Status updates and notifications

BMC Digital Workplace enables users to quickly see the status of important services. Giving users the ability to see whether a problem is local or system-wide reduces the number of support calls and additional steps on the part of the end user.

With BMC Digital Workplace, users receive notifications when important events occur. BMC Digital Workplace users receive the following types of notifications:

  • In-app notifications—are bell notifications and News Feed notifications
  • Push notifications—are sent to mobile devices
  • Email notifications

Notification events and types of notifications

The following table describes the events for which notifications are sent to BMC Digital Workplace users and the types of notifications that can be sent for each event:

Notification eventDescriptionIn-app
Service Request status change

Users who requested a service receive a notification when the status of that service changes, for example, from In Progress to Completed.

Users can enable or disable these notifications from Settings > Requests.

Service Request comment

Users receive a notification when an approver or a service request agent adds an activity log or a comment to the service request they raised.

Users can enable or disable these notifications from Settings > Requests.


Users receive notifications when the following events occur:

  • Approvers get a notification when a new approval request arrives
  • Request approved or rejected—Requesters receive a notification when the service request they raised is either approved or rejected

Users cannot disable approval notifications.


Administrators can use broadcasts to notify users of events, updates, and important information. These broadcasts appear in users' BMC Digital Workplacefeeds and also trigger notifications.

Users cannot disable the broadcast notifications.

Feed activity

Users receive notifications when the following events occur:

  • A user is mentioned in another user's post
  • Another user commented on a post in which the current user is mentioned
  • Another user commented on the current user's post

Users can enable or disable these notifications from Settings > Feed Activity.

Satisfaction Survey is sent

Users get feedback notifications for their recently completed service requests. Notifications are sent when the following conditions are met:

  • The service request has a survey mapped to it
  • The service request status changes to Completed
  • The user has enabled survey notifications

Users can enable or disable push notifications and email notifications from Settings > Satisfaction Surveys.

Users cannot disable survey notification they receive under the bell icon and News Feed tab.


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