Case Dashboard

The Case Dashboard helps users view reports that are based on case categories and priorities. Case agents, case managers, and case business analysts can also view the case metrics based on the number of cases created, assigned, pending, and closed. Users can view the data in Case Dashboard for only those records to which they have access.

Reports in the Case Dashboard

In Case Dashboard, you can view the following reports:

  • Case Trend by Category
  • Cases by Priority
  • Case Statistics

The following image shows the Case Dashboard.

Case Trend by Category

The Case Trend by Category report is an interactive multi-line time chart that displays the number of cases that are created based on categories for the selected time unit. You can use the following filters to view the data in the Case Trend by Category report:

  • Creation Date
  • Category

The following image shows an example of the Case Trend by Category report by hour

The time chart displays the number of cases based on the time unit that you select. Each category is displayed by a different line on the line chart. You can hover the mouse over the time chart to view the number of cases by category, date, or time. To view data across the time units, navigate to the appropriate tab.

Cases by Priority

The Cases by Priority report is an interactive bar chart that displays the number of cases based on the priority (critical, high, low, and medium). You can use the following filters to view the data in the Cases by Priority report:

  • Creation Date
  • Status
  • Assigned Group

The following image shows an example of the Cases by Priority report:

In the Cases by Priority report, for each priority, cases are further segregated by assigned groups. Each assigned group is displayed with a different color to identify the group. Click each priority bar to view the details of all the cases in the priority.

Case Statistics

The Case Statistics report shows the following key metrics for cases:

  • VIP cases opened today
  • SLA breached open cases
  • Unassigned cases
  • Critical open cases
  • Pending cases
  • Closed cases

The following image shows an example of the metrics that you can see in the Case Statistics report.

You can view the metrics to get a snapshot of the number of cases that are open, pending, unassigned, and closed. You can also view the number of VIP, SLA breached, and critical cases. You can also click the case count to view the details of the cases. By viewing the metrics, you can take a decision about the priorities for the different cases and ensure that critical cases are quickly resolved.

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