Assigning permission and functional role to manage the Catalog

Usually, only a case catalog administrator can access BMC Helix Digital Workplace Catalog to create services. However, a company might want to give other agents (case agents, case managers, or case business analysts) access to BMC Helix Digital Workplace Catalog so they can create and publish services in it.

For information about BMC Helix Digital Workplace Catalog, see Catalog.

To assign the Case Catalog Administrator functional role

  1. As an administrator, log in to BMC Helix Business Workflows.
  2. Click Application Settings .
  3. Navigate to Foundation Agents.
  4. On the Manage Agents page, open the required agent's profile.
  5. In the Edit Agent pane, on the Basics tab, in Access Details, from Functional Roles, select Case Catalog Administrator.
  6. Save your changes.

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