
You can uninstall BMC Release Process Management (BRPM) using an interactive installation wizard or a silent (command-line) installation.

Uninstalling BRPM

To uninstall BRPM, you can use a direct uninstallation through an interactive wizard or a silent (unattended) uninstallation, as described in the following procedures.


The uninstallation process might not delete some of the product files or folders from your computer. After uninstalling the product, you must delete the UninstallBMCBRPM directory manually.

To uninstall BRPM directly

  1. Log in as administrator or root only if you installed the product with administrator or root privileges. Otherwise, log in as a normal user.
  2. Set the BRPM_HOME and the JAVA_HOME environment variables.
    1. Java Runtime Environment (JRE) is required to run the uninstallation. The JAVA_HOME variable must be other than the one that already exists in the BRPM directory in your installed location. Alternatively, you can also copy the JRE executable from the <installationDirectory>/RLM/lib/jre directory and paste it in an appropriate location outside the RLM directory to be able to run the uninstaller. Delete the executable after the uninstallation is complete.
    2. You can use the following commands to set the BRPM_HOME variable.
      • Windows: set "BRPM_HOME=<Product installation directory>" 


        set “BRPM_HOME=C:/Program Files/BMC Software/RLM”

      • Linux: export BRPM_HOME=<Product installation directory> 


         export BRPM_HOME=/opt/bmc/rlm

      • Solaris: BRPM_HOME=<Product installation directory> 
        export BRPM_HOME 


        export BRPM_HOME

  3. Go to  RLMhome/UninstallBMCBRLM and run the following command:
    • Windows: uninstall.cmd
    • Linux or Solaris: uninstall.sh


      During the uninstallation of BRPM, the following message might appear: The batch file cannot be found. Ignore this message.

To perform a silent uninstallation of BRPM Classic UI

  1. Ensure that you have administrator (for Windows) or superuser (for Linux) privileges only if you installed the product with administrator or superuser privileges.
  2. Set the BRPM_HOME and the JAVA_HOME environment variables.
    1. Java Runtime Environment (JRE) is required to run the uninstallation. The JAVA_HOME variable must be other than the one that already exists in the BRPM directory in your installed location. Alternatively, you can also copy the JRE executable from the <installationDirectory>/BRPM/lib/jre directory and paste it in an appropriate location outside the BRPM directory to be able to run the uninstaller. Delete the executable after the uninstallation is complete.
    2. You can use the following commands to set the BRPM_HOME variable.
      • Windows: set "BRPM_HOME=<Product installation directory>"


        set “BRPM_HOME=C:/Program Files/BMC Software/RLM”

      • Linux: export BRPM_HOME=<Product installation directory>


        export BRPM_HOME=/opt/bmc/rlm

      • Solaris: BRPM_HOME=<Product installation directory>
        export BRPM_HOME


        BRPM_HOME=/opt/bmc/rlm export BRPM_HOME

  3. Locate the options file that you created during the installation process, or create a similar file. 
    For more information about the options file, see Installing RPM silently.
  4. In the options file, change all -A switches (used for installation) to -U switches (for uninstallation).
  5. Run the following command from any directory outside the installation folders:
    <fullPathToUninstallFile> -i silent -DOPTIONS_FILE=<fullPathToOptionsFile>
    The path to the Uninstall file points to the UninstallBRPM directory within the installation folders.

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