This documentation supports the 19.08 version of Remedy and applies only to the on-premises deployment model.

To view an earlier version, select the version from the Product version menu.

Performing server configuration adjustments

In a staged upgrade, you need to configure AR System and Atrium CMDB to minimize processing and improve performance of the Delta Data Migration (DDM) tool.

At various points during the delta data migration process, you perform these configuration adjustments on the source server (current production server) and the destination server (staging server to which the delta data is migrated).

In this topic

Destination server (staging server) configuration adjustments

Normally you would make the following adjustments to the production staging server; however, if you decide to test DDM on the QA server (or the development server), you must also perform these steps on those systems.


  • Ensure that except the destination server, no other server is connected to the database. 
  • Do not allow data changes on the destination server.

After you upgrade the destination server

Following the upgrade of the AR System server and the Atrium CMDB, you should have already performed adjustments on the destination server to disable services as indicated in the following procedures.

Before you run DDM on the destination server

Before you run DDM, perform the following server and database configuration adjustments.

Server and database configuration adjustments

Component What to configure
AR System server

To help improve performance of the data migration, in Centralized Configuration, set the following settings:

(Version 9.0.x or later)

In the Component Name field, select com.bmc.arsys.server and add the following settings with their respective values:

  • Max-Entries-Per-Query: 0
  • Full-Text-Disable-Searching: T
  • Localized-Server:
    If you leave this box selected, the migration tool looks for localized data twice, which has a significant impact on system performance.

For details about Centralized Configuration, see Centralized configuration Open link .

(Versions prior to 9.0.x)

  • Set the Max Entries Returned by GetList parameter to 50,000 on the Configuration tab to cover all delta data in the forms.
  • Configure the following items on the Server Information page of the BMC Remedy AR System Administration Console.

    • On the FTS tab, select the Disable FTS Indexer and Disable Full Text Searching check boxes.
    • On the Advanced tab, clear the Localize Server check box.
      If you leave this box selected, the migration tool looks for localized data twice, which has a significant impact on system performance.

AR System database

Disable database triggers within the BMC Remedy AR System schema. Work with your database administrator to disable the triggers.

(Microsoft SQL Server) AR System database

If needed, set the isolation level for Microsoft SQL Server on the source and destination server databases. Generally, this is already set for Microsoft SQL Server 2008 or higher

If you do not set the isolation level, migration of form data will be unsuccessful, and you might see the following error in the HTML log files:

11/22/2011 17:51:07 1612 *ERROR* Migrations 17:51:07 : An Error Occured with Data 'NTE:Notifier Log' 11/22/2011
17:51:07 1612 *ERROR* Migrations 17:51:07 : [4][The SQL database operation failed. The ROLLBACK TRANSACTION request has no corresponding BEGIN TRANSACTION. (SQL Server 3903)]

If the isolation level is incorrectly set, set the isolation level for Microsoft SQL Server databases on the source and destination server as follows:

  1. Run the following commands from the SQL Server Management Studio:

    SELECT snapshot_isolation_state FROM sys.databases where name = 'ARSystem'
    SELECT is_read_committed_snapshot_on FROM sys.databases where name = 'ARSystem'
  2. If the commands return 0, stop the AR System server, and run the following ALTER commands. (If the AR System server is running, the ALTER commands might take a long time to complete.)

Source server (current production) configuration adjustments

If you are performing a staged migration where users are actively working with the production system, do not perform these adjustments to the live production system for the initial DDM runs.

When you are ready for the final DDM run, perform the server and database configuration adjustments to the source server.

Source server (static system) configuration adjustments

Some customers will use a static server to perform the data migration. In this scenario, you run DDM, back up and restore the production database to the static server, and then run DDM again. This process is repeated until all data is migrated.

In this scenario, perform the server and database configuration adjustments on the source server immediately after setting up the staging server. You do not need to wait to upgrade the AR System server or Atrium CMDB.

Additional source server configuration for large forms

Additionally, for forms in which the amount of data is large and the total number of records is greater than 1 million, create the index at the database level in the T table, and index Field ID 6 (Last Modified Date). This additional index is required for DDM to avoid a timeout.

Where to go from here

Next task

Go to Estimating your data size for migration with the AREntryCounter utility.

Up to process

To return to the delta data migration process, go to Migrating delta data.

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