This documentation supports the 19.02 version of Remedy Deployment.

To view the latest version, select the version from the Product version menu.

Reviewing the object definitions using the Difference Editor

When you double-click an object in the Differences List, the differences for the old base definition, the new base definition, and the overlay definition are displayed simultaneously. However, for each object, you have different options. You can use the Editor tab or the Properties tab for reconciling your customizations.

In this topic

Understanding the filters

  • Manual reconciliations — By default, this filter is turned ON to display only the manual reconciliations list.
  • All Differences —  When you click the filter, it is turned OFF and displays all the changed objects including those objects that do not need to be reconciled.
  • No Differences for Manual Reconciliations — When the filter is turned ON and the list is still empty, it means that there are no differences to reconcile.

AR customization reconciliation actions

The following icons indicate the type of action that you can take to manage the reconciliation process.

Only show changes to reconcile filter

View all the objects that are modified.

By default, this filter is turned on to display only the manual reconciliations list. When you click the filter, it toggles to display all the modified objects even those that do not need to be reconciled.

Swap Old Definition with New Definition

Exchange the old definition tab and the new definition tab to compare these with your Overlay definition.
First DifferenceMove and open the first difference in the Differences List.

Next Difference

Open and compare the next difference in the Differences List.

Previous Difference

Open and compare the previous difference in the Differences List.

Next Field Difference

Open and compare the next field difference in the Differences List .

Previous Field Difference

Open and compare the previous field difference in the Differences List .

Move from OldMove selected difference from the old definition to the overlay definition.
Move from NewMove selected difference from the new definition to the overlay definition.


Maximize to view only one definition at a time.

View all three definitions again.

Delete view overlayDelete the view overlay of the selected view.
Remove from view overlay Remove a particular field from view overlay.
Remove granular overlay

Click this button to switch the granular overlay to no overlay. This action removes the granularity and is available only for Fields.

Note: With Service pack 1 and later, Remove granular overlay option is available for all objects.

Highlighting objects to be reconciled


  • Highlighting Red — All objects are highlighted using this option. The highlighting indicates that the property is selected and you must reconcile it. When you double-click any property in the Differences List, the property in all three definitions are displayed as highlighted in red.  
  • Highlighting Blue — Forms, fields, table filed mapping, and view differences are highlighted using this option. All of these property changes are highlighted in blue to imply that they are changed but are not currently in focus.
  • Highlighting Yellow — Only workflow differences are highlighted using this option. All these property changes are highlighted in yellow to imply that these properties are changed but are not currently in focus.

Definitions reconciliation

When you double-click any object for reconciliation, this view is the default. For workflows, forms, menus, and application objects, you can reconcile your changes using this editor.

 Workflows execution options reconciliation

Workflows execution options reconciliation (Service Pack 1 and later)

Form permissions reconciliation

Form permissions reconciliation (Service Pack 1 and later)

Properties reconciliation

When you click the Properties tab, the property differences for all three definitions are displayed. For workflow, application, fields, and fields in view overlay, you can reconcile your properties using this editor.

You must right-click your property name to copy and paste your new or old definition to overlay definition. Alternatively, you can edit the value for the property inline.


Properties reconciliation editor

Value reconciliation editor

If you want to modify the properties by comparing and adding the values manually, you can use the Value reconciliation editor. In this editor, you see all three versions of your property, and you can directly edit the value.

When you click Apply, your changes are applied to the object. To save changes for an entire object, you must save the object from the File menu.

View reconciliation

You can modify your view by comparing the old, new, and overlay reconciliation. Although, you cannot see all three views at one time, you can toggle between each view from the Reconciliation Editor tab.  

Where to go from here

Next task

Go to Reconciling form, application, and menu objects.

For troubleshooting information, see Special scenarios during AR customizations reconciliation.

Up to process

When you have finished reconciling BMC Remedy AR customizations, return to the appropriate stage in the upgrade process:

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