This documentation supports the 18.05 version of Remedy ITSM Deployment.

To view the latest version, select the version from the Product version menu.

Running currency utility before upgrading the platform components

If you are using non-default currency format (default format is USD), you must run the currency utility before upgrading the platform and application components. Running the currency utility preserves the customizations relevant to currency settings. Download the latest currency utility from BMC Communities. As a precaution, take a backup of the database before running the currency utility. The database backup might be required power outage or some technical issue interrupts the currency utility. 

The utility adds values to the Allowable or Functional currency list of a currency field and sets a default currency on the currency fields on the forms in the following scenarios.

If you run the utility on....


The base forms on which the default currency value of the currency fields is other than USD.

  • The utility creates an overlay of the form, fields and all the views of the form where the currency field is referred.
  • It updates the overlay currency fields with the default currency value that was set by you.

The base forms on which the Allowable or Functional currency list of a currency field has a value other than the out-of-the-box values.

BMC provides the following out-of-the-box values – USD, EUR, JPY, GBP, and CAD.

  • The utility creates an overlay of the form, fields and all the views of the form where the currency field is referred.
  • It updates the overlay currency fields with the default currency value that was set by you.
The forms on which the Allowable or Functional currency list of a currency field has out-of-the-box values.The utility skips such fields from update.

The custom forms.

The utility updates the currency fields with the values provided in the command line.
The JOIN forms.

The utility skips updating the currency fields that are mapped but updates the other currency fields present on the form.

The overlaid form.
  • If the currency field is overlaid, the utility updates the overlay definitions.
  • If the currency field is not overlaid, the utility create an overlay and then update the overlay definition.
  • If the currency field is custom, the utility updates custom field definition.

The currency utility does not process currency fields on forms belonging to BMC:Atrium CMDB and AtriumCMDBConsole applications. For these forms, you must manually change default currency value.

Before you run the currency utility

  • Before running the utiliy on the system, ensure that you have configured JAVA_HOME environment variable on your system.
  • When you provide the Currency_Forms_List.txt, ensure that all members of a JOIN form are listed first in the file followed by the JOIN form name. This updates the mapped currency fields on a JOIN form.

To run the currency utility

Proceed with the following steps if you are performing one-time execution of the utility to preserve the currency customizations before upgrading the system to the latest Remedy version.

  1. Log on to BMC Communities and download CurrencyTool.ZIP file on your system. 

  2. Extract .ZIP file and ensure that you see the files in the following sequence.
  3. Execute the following command as is

    java -jar JARCurrencyDefault.jar -x {AR Server Name} -u {AR User Name}
    -p {Password} –t {TCP port} -F Currency_Forms_List.txt(attach the file)
    -c EUR/2 -c JPY/0 -c CAD/2 -c GBP/2 -c USD/2

  4. After you execute the command, monitor command line console for execution status and logs.
    Alternatively, redirect the command status and logs to a text file.

Proceed with the following steps if you want to update the currency fields on specific forms.

  1. Log on to BMC Communities and download CurrencyTool.ZIP file on your system. 

  2. Extract .ZIP file and ensure that you see the files in the following sequence.
  3. Identify the forms on which you want to run the utility and provide the form names in the form_list.txt file separated by new line.
  4. Execute the following command as is.

    java -jar JARCurrencyDefault.jar -x {AR Server Name} -u
    {AR User Name} -p {Password} –t {TCP port} -F form_list.txt
    -c {currency_Code}/{precision} –d

Utility Command line Parameters



-xAR Server Name
-uAR Admin username
-p AR Admin password
-tAR TCP port
-FText file containing list of forms separated by new line.

Currency Code along with precision that needs to be set.

For example: USD/2

You can specify this parameter more than once if you want to add more than one currency to allowable and functional currency list of a currency field.

For example: -c USD/2 -c JPY/2


The parameter defines the currency value that you want to set as the default value. You must add the -d parameter after the -c parameter.

For Example, to add USD and JPY to Allowable and Functional currency list and to set USD as a default value, provide the following values: -c JPY/2 -c USD/2 -d

Troubleshooting the currency utility

While running the currency utility, you might come across with couple of errors. Refer to the following table to troubleshoot the errors:



Corrective action

Error (303) Form does not 
exist for any of the forms 
You get this error if the utility is unable to find the form provided in the text file through the -f parameter.
  • If the form not found by the utility is not the out-of-the-box custom form, you must check that the whether the form exists on the system.
  • Contact BMC Support if the form not found by the utility is an out-of-the-box form provided by BMC.
Warning: <Currency value> currency 
is not available in allowable
currency list of mapped field.
You get this error if the utility finds a mapped currency field on a JOIN form.
  • If you do not want to update the mapped field present on a JOIN form, ignore the warning displayed.

  • If you want to update the field, then you must include the form from which the field is mapped in the list of forms in the txt.
ERROR (93): Timeout during data 
retrieval due to busy server
This indicates that the AR System server is busy at the current time.
  • Try to run the utility after some time interval. Contact BMC Support if the same error occurs again.

In versions 9.1.04 and above, before running the currency utility on the base forms, if you compare pre-upgrade currency fields with post upgrade currency fields, you might find some differences related to default currencies.

  • You can ignore these differences if you have not manually changed any of the currency fields before upgrade through base development mode. 
  • Before upgrading, if you manually changed any of the currency fields through base development mode, the changes are lost after the upgrade. 

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