This documentation supports the 18.05 version of Remedy ITSM Deployment.

To view the latest version, select the version from the Product version menu.

Preparing to install BMC Remedy Smart Reporting

If you have not already done so, plan the BMC Remedy Smart Reporting deployment. BMC recommends that you do not install BMC Remedy Smart Reporting and Remedy AR System server on the same computer.


You must perform the user onboarding process from BMC Remedy AR System to BMC Remedy Smart Reporting only after BMC Remedy ITSM installation. 

Before you begin

Before you perform the installation, consider the following:

  • Ensure that the machine on which you are installing this component meets the following requirements:
    • Java version 8 update 45 or later is installed

    • Terminal server configuration is completed
  • Ensure that your firewall does not block the following ports:
    • Default port 8181 used by Smart Reporting
    • Default SQL Server port 1433  
    • Default Oracle Server port 1521  

To configure the terminal server (Windows only)

  1. Go to Start > Run.
  2. In the Run dialog box, enter gpedit.msc, and press Enter.
  3. Choose Computer Configuration > Administrative Templates > Windows Components > Remote Desktop Services > Remote Desktop Session Host > Temporary Folders.
  4. Enable the following options:
    1. Do not Delete temp folder on Exit
    2. Do not use temp folder per session
  5. Restart the system.
  6. If the settings are not enabled:
    1. Choose Start > Run.
    2. In the Run dialog box, enter regedit and press Enter.
    3. In the Registry Editor, navigate to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEMCurrentControlSet\Control\Terminal Server and update the PerSessionTempDir and DeleteTempDir OnExit options to 0.
    4. Restart the system.

Preparing the AR System server for installing Smart Reporting

Consider the following information perform the relevant actions on the AR System server that is connected to Smart Reporting:

  1. When installing the AR System server, ensure that the AR Server is connected to the Remedy production environment database and not the replicated database. 

  2. After installing the AR System server, you must apply the AR license key by connecting to the production environment database which is in read/write mode. 

  3. From the Remedy production environment database, delete the following references of AR System server: 

    Database tableInfo to be deleted
    select * from servgrp_applic;
    delete from servgrp_applic where serverName = 'name of the AR Server to be consumed by Smart Reporting'
    select * from servgrp_board;
    delete from servgrp_board where serverName = 'name of the AR Server to be consumed by Smart Reporting'
    select * from servgrp_config;
    delete from servgrp_config where serverName = ‘name of the AR Server to be consumed by Smart Reporting’;
    select * from servgrp_ftslic;
    delete from servgrp_ftslic where serverName = ‘name of the AR Server to be consumed by Smart Reporting’;
    select * from servgrp_resources;
    delete from servgrp_resources where serverName = ‘name of the AR Server to be consumed by Smart Reporting’
    select * from servgrp_userlic;
    delete from servgrp_userlic where serverName = ‘name of the AR Server to be consumed by Smart Reporting’
  4. From the Remedy production environment AR System Server Group Operation Ranking form, do not remove any entries referencing the AR System server consumed by Smart Reporting.

  5. Update the following information in the ar.cfg or ar.conf file:

    Modify the following parameters in
    ar.cfg or ar.conf file

    Disable-Alerts: T

    Disable-Archive: T

    Disable-Escalations: T 

    Full-Text-Mode: Disabled 

    Full-Text-Disable-Indexing: T

    Full-Text-Disable-Searching: T

  6. Update the following information in the armonitor.cfg or armonitor.conf file:

    Comment out the following parameters in
    armonitor.cfg or armonitor.conf file

    FTS secondary plugin

    Email Engine


    Carte server



  7. Shutdown the AR server and connect it to the replicated database.  Below are the parameters that needs to change to reflect the Replicated SR database in the ar.cfg/ar.conf file

    1. Db-name: ARSystem
    • Db-user: ARAdmin
    • Db-Host-Name: <Replicated_DB_server_name>
  8. Start the AR Server.
    In the arerror.log, If you see the following error message, ignore it:
    Failed to update database "ARSystem" because the database is read-only

Preparing for installation of the Smart Reporting database on Oracle

You must create a database user prior to Smart Reporting installation.

To create a database user (Oracle)

  1. Login to the Oracle db as an Administrator. 
  2. In the SQL prompt, execute the following commands:

    SQL> create tablespace reporting datafile 'reporting' size 500M reuse autoextend on
    SQL> create user repadmin identified by RP#Admin# default tablespace reporting;
    SQL > grant unlimited tablespace to repadmin;
    SQL> create role RRole not identified;
    SQL > grant CREATE SESSION, alter session, create cluster, create sequence, create trigger, query rewrite, create synonym, create table, create view, create procedure to RRole;
    SQL> grant RRole to repadmin;

    The query rewrite parameter is required only if you use materialized views. The Remedy AR System does not use materialized views in its schema.

Preparing for installation of the BMC Remedy Smart Reporting database on MS SQL

When running the Smart Reporting installer, you encounter the following panel:


The following table lists the possible combinations that result from the selections you make on the panel.

DB creation preferenceUserPre-requisitesSQL Server AuthenticationWindows Authentication
New DBNew userInstaller creates the database and the user. DBA credentials are required.SupportedNot supported
Existing DBExisting userValid DB and user must be available. DB must be clean. DBA credentials are not required.SupportedSupported
New DBExisting userInstaller creates the database. DBA credentials are required to create a new DB from the installer. Valid user must be available.SupportedSupported
Existing DBNew userValid DB must be available. Installer creates a new user. DBA credentials are required. SupportedNot supported

To add a pre-created database and user

  1. Login to the MS SQL server database, as an Administrator.
  2. Create the new database: 
    1. In the Object List right-click Databases
    2. Click New Databases
    3. Enter the database name. 
    4. Click OK. The database will get created.

    Run the following command in the master DB query panel: 

    create database < database name>
  3. Create the user and give the permissions for the new database you created. 
    1. In the Object List click Security > Logins.
    2. Right-click Logins and click New Login.
    3. Enter the details of the new user.
    4. Right-click the newly created user, under Owned Schemas and Database role membership, select db_owner .
    5. Click OK

    Right-click the newly created database, click New Query, and run the following command:

    # Creates the login <username> with password '<password>'.
    CREATE LOGIN <username> 
    WITH PASSWORD = '<password>';
    # Creates a database user for the login created above.
    CREATE USER <username> FOR LOGIN <username>;

To install BMC Remedy Smart Reporting with an external Tomcat


BMC recommends you to use Tomcat version 8.0.35 for external Tomcat.

  1. You must update the context.xml file.
    1. Go to <external tomcat installation directory>\conf\ context.xml.
      1. Set the xmlBlockExternal to false in the Context parameter. For example:

        <Context xmlBlockExternal="false">
        Adding a new Context xmlBlockExternal tag is not recommended. You must update the existing tag as shown in the table below.

        Before upgrading


        To be avoided

    2. Save the file.
  2. If you have installed the external Tomcat as a service you must set the java heap size as following: 
    • Minimum: 1024
    • Maximum: 2048 
  3. Proceed with the installation.

Related topics

Installing BMC Remedy Smart Reporting

Hardware requirements

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