This documentation supports the 18.05 version of Remedy ITSM Deployment.

To view the latest version, select the version from the Product version menu.

Bundled Tomcat upgrade for BMC Remedy Smart Reporting

Tomcat 8.5.6 is bundled with BMC Remedy Smart Reporting. If you are upgrading to BMC Remedy Smart Reporting from an earlier version, the bundled Tomcat is not upgraded automatically to 8.5.6. Though upgrading the bundled Tomcat is optional, you might want to upgrade your Tomcat to 8.5.6 as it includes enhancements and fixes. 

After upgrading to BMC Remedy Smart Reporting, perform the following steps to upgrade the bundled Tomcat:


To perform the following steps, you must be conversant with the local file system, BMC Remedy Smart Reporting admin environment, and the admin privileges on the server where Tomcat is installed.

  1. Download Tomcat installer 8.5.6. 
    You can also upgrade to Tomcat version 9.0.33 on your Windows machine. Download the file from the following location:
  2. Place the downloaded installer of Tomcat on the server where the existing Tomcat is installed. For example, you can check for the Tomcat installation directory under <<Smart Reporting installation directory>>\appserver
  3. Stop Smart Reporting service. 
  4. Backup the following folders or files and copy them to a safe location. You might need them if Tomcat upgrade process fails.
    • <BMC Remedy Smart Reporting installation directory>\appserver\lib 
    • <BMC Remedy Smart Reporting installation directory>\appserver\bin 
    • <BMC Remedy Smart Reporting installation directory>\conf\server.xml
  5. For Windows Service only, copy the existing Java options from by performing following steps. For Linux service, skip the following steps (a-c).
    1. Open the command prompt and change working directory to <BMC Remedy Smart Reporting installation directory>\appserver\bin
    2. To open window, run the following command: 

      tomcat7w.exe //ES//BMCSmartReporting
    3. Open Java Tab and copy everything from the Java Options box and paste it in a text file.

  6. In the <BMC Remedy Smart Reporting installation directory>\appserver\bin folder, if any of the files mention Tomcat version number, remove them. For example, tomcat7.exe, tomcat7.exe.x64, tomcat7w.exe. 
  7. Remove all files from the <BMC Remedy Smart Reporting installation directory>\appserver\lib directory.
  8. From your downloaded Tomcat installer folder (mentioned in step 2), copy the contents of the \lib folder to your <BMC Remedy Smart Reporting installation directory>\appserver\lib directory.
  9. From your downloaded Tomcat installer\bin folder (mentioned in step 2),  copy all the .jar files and any files which have Tomcat version number (Tomcat8, Tomcat8w etc.), and place them in <BMC Remedy Smart Reporting installation directory>\appserver\bin. Replace any files with same name.  
  10. Open the <BMC Remedy Smart Reporting installation directory>\conf\server.xml file and perform the following tasks:
    1. Remove the following lines, and save the file.
      <!--Initialize Jasper prior to webapps are loaded. Documentation at /docs/jasper-howto.html -->
      <Listener className="org.apache.catalina.core.JasperListener" />
    2. In the server.xml,  update the protocol as follows:
  11. (Optional) Start BMC Remedy Smart Reporting service via startup.bat (for windows) or (for Linux). Perform this step just to confirm that you can start BMC Remedy Smart Reporting service by using the startup files. 
  12. After starting the BMC Remedy Smart Reporting service, navigate to http://<SR_Server>:<SR_Port>/info.jsp and check if the new tomcat version is updated. 

    If you are using a Windows Service to run Tomcat, perform the following steps. If you are using Linux to run Tomcat, skip the following steps.
  13. Stop BMC Remedy Smart Reporting service if started.
  14. To remove the current Smart Reporting Widows Service, open the command prompt and type the following command:

    sc delete <Smart Reporting Service Name> 
    For example, sc delete BMCSmartReporting 

  15. From your downloaded Tomcat installer\bin folder (mentioned in step 2), copy the service.bat  file and place it in the <BMC Remedy Smart Reporting installation directory>\appserver\bin folder. The existing  service.bat  file in the <BMC Remedy Smart Reporting installation directory>\appserver\bin folder is replaced with the new one.
  16. From the <BMC Remedy Smart Reporting installation directory>\appserver\bin folder, open the service.bat and add in the following code above set "SELF=%~dp0%service.bat".

    rem ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
    rem Smart Reporting Options 
    rem set JRE_HOME to value chosen in installer 
    set JRE_HOME=C:\Program Files (x86)\Java\jre1.8.0_40 
    rem Memory limits. 
    rem Set JvmMs to minimum JVM stack size (in Mb) 
    rem Set JvmMx to maximum JVM stack size (in Mb) 
    set JAVA_OPTS=%JAVA_OPTS% --JvmMs 1024 --JvmMx 2048 
    rem Fixes for JPivot compatibility with Axis and Java 1.6 
    set JVM_OPTS=-Djavax.xml.soap.MessageFactory=org.apache.axis.soap.MessageFactoryImpl 
    set JVM_OPTS=%JVM_OPTS%;-Djavax.xml.soap.SOAPConnectionFactory=org.apache.axis.soap.SOAPConnectionFactoryImpl 
    set JVM_OPTS=%JVM_OPTS%;-Djavax.xml.soap.SOAPFactory=org.apache.axis.soap.SOAPFactoryImpl 
    rem set JVM_OPTS=%JVM_OPTS%;Djavax.xml.transform.TransformerFactory=org.apache.xalan.processor.TransformerFactoryImpl 
    rem If you are experiencing "java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: PermGen space" 
    rem errors, uncomment the following line:
    rem set JVM_OPTS=%JVM_OPTS%;-XX:PermSize=64m;-XX:MaxPermSize=256m 
    rem Uncomment these options if you are experiencing performance issues with OLAP data sources 
    rem set JVM_OPTS=%JVM_OPTS%;-Dorg.olap4j.driver.xmla.XmlaOlap4jCube.lazyLoadMeasures=true 
    rem set JVM_OPTS=%JVM_OPTS%;-Dorg.olap4j.driver.xmla.XmlaOlap4jCellSet.lazyMemberLookup=true 
    rem ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  17. Install the new Smart Reporting service by performing the following steps. 
    1. Open the command prompt. and navigate to <BMC Remedy Smart Reporting installation directory>\appserver\bin
    2. Run the command: service.bat install BMCSmartReporting

    3. Check if the new Smart Reporting service is installed. The service name could be Apache Tomcat 8.5 BMCSmartReporting.
  18. To add the existing java option (copied in step 5c) to the new Smart Reporting service, perform the following steps:
    1. Open the command prompt and change the working directory to <BMC Remedy Smart Reporting installation directory>\appserver\bin 
    2. To open the window, run the command – tomcat8w.exe //ES//BMCSmartReporting 

    3. Open Java Tab and paste the values (copied in step 5c) in the Java Options box. 
    4. Check the initial and maximum memory pool and modify values accordingly, these are memory heap size values. 
    5. Open the General Tab and change Display Name to BMC Smart Reporting and Description as BMC Reporting Application Server 
    6. Review the changes and Click on OK 
  19. Now you should be able to start the Smart Reporting service from the Service console.
  20. Start the service and check Tomcat version information in http://<SR_Server>:<SR_Port>/info.jsp.
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  1. David k Hill

    Only one comment thus far. There are extra C/R L/F in the example above: Example: rem set JVM_OPTS=%JVM_OPTS%; Djavax.xml.transform.TransformerFactory=org.apache.xalan.processor.TransformerFactor

    Should be: rem set JVM_OPTS=%JVM_OPTS%;Djavax.xml.transform.TransformerFactory=org.apache.xalan.processor.TransformerFactor

    All on one line. Otherwise we get an error when we run it.

    Jun 17, 2020 01:04
    1. Maithili Deshpande

      Hi David,

      Thank you for your feedback. I have edited the topic as suggested.



      Jun 22, 2020 04:50