Displaying the Available Commands panel

You can display the Available Commands panel from any System and SQL Performance for DB2 product panel or report.

The panel lists all of the commands that you can issue from the panel from which you invoked the the Available Commands panel.

To display the Available Commands panel

  1. Perform one of the following actions:
    • Type SHOWCMDS on the Command line and press Enter.

    • Type a question mark (?) on the Command line and press Enter.

    • Press F6.


    SHOWCMDS is the default value for F6 except under the following circumstances:

    • When you display a report, the ZOOM command is the default value assigned to F6.

    • When you display the Explain Object Selection List (PSSPE100) or the Explain Results panel (PSSPE200), the Explain ZOOM command is the default value assigned to F4 or F6.

    • When a Command Interface panel is displayed, the IEDIT command is the default value assigned to F6.

    DOMECOME/P                   Available Commands                   LINE 1 OF 63 
    Command ====> _______________________________________________ Scroll ===> CSR_
     Select a command from the following list and then press Enter.                 
     S - Select                                                                     
                              Product Functions                                   
    _   LOGOP                 Access Log Operations                               
    _   CMD                   Access Command Interface Menu                       
    _   XPL                   Access Explain Interface                            
    _   ADMIN                 Access Product Administration                       
                              User Options                                        
    _   OPTIONS               Access User Options Menu                            
    _   PFKEYS                Access User Function Key Definitions                
    _   RLOG                  Access Log Options                                  
                              Product Help and Information                        
    _   HELP                  Access Help                                         
    _   ABOUT                 About the Product                                   
    _   CHANGES               Display Changes to Product
  2. Type S next to the desired command.


    If a command requires parameters, you cannot issue it from the Available Commands list. Type these commands on the Command line of the panel or report.

  3. Press F1 (Help) anywhere on the line where a command appears to display a complete explanation of the command as it relates to the panel or report from which you want to issue it.

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