This documentation supports the 20.08 version of BMC Helix Chatbot.
To view the documentation for the previous version, select 20.02 from the Product version menu.

Customizing the chatbot actions

BMC Helix Chatbot provides support by interacting with users through natural language, understanding the conversation context, and performing tasks on behalf of the user. As an application business analyst or an administrator, you can configure BMC Helix Chatbot to invoke custom actions that are performed by the chatbot on behalf of the user. These actions are invoked from the IBM Watson Assistant service. 

To use custom processes and actions in BMC Helix Chatbot

You can use custom processes and actions in BMC Helix Chatbot. The custom processes are created in the Process designer of BMC Helix Innovation Studio. For more information about creating custom processes, see Defining the application business logic through processes Open link in the BMC Helix Platform online documentation.

The custom actions are created in Angular JavaScript service.

After creating the processes and actions, you can invoke the custom processes and actions from a dialog in IBM Watson Assistant Skills. For more information, see Creating custom actions Open link in BMC Helix Platform online documentation.

To view examples of the JSON code of dialog response with chat actions, see Example JSON of BMC Chatbot dialog responses.

Example JSON of BMC Helix Chatbot dialog responses

To enable BMC Helix Chatbot to interact with your users, you must build a dialog in the IBM Watson Assistant Skills. Based on the conversation, IBM Watson Assistant sends an action to your application that needs to be performed on the behalf of the user. In the Skills dialog, you can define these actions to call the processes or actions that you have created.

See the following JSON code samples:

Sample: Creating a service request

After an employee provides all the details to create a service request, for example, a time-off-request, BMC Helix Chatbot uses these details to create a service request. The following JSON illustrates the dialog response that contains a chat action to create a service request:

Sample JSON: Creating a service request
	"output": {
		"text": {
			"values": [
			"selection_policy": "sequential"
		"action": {
			"inputMap": {
				"536870920": "trigger",
				"536870921": "sb_apply_pto",
				"536870922": "$loginName",
				"536870923": {
					"6491c1f4-5dc7-0887-b8b2-6b11284a49fd": "$startDate",
					"ab9a845c-0e69-2929-8a25-66a5a319a539": "$vacationType",
					"ef1145f2-2730-d43b-706e-d25b812ef041": "$endDate",
					"f4036404-f6cb-9173-6bb1-007296a27463": "$userQuestion"
			"outputMap": {
				"status": "${actionResult.536870910}",
				"requestId": "${actionResult.536870911}"
				“description”: “${actionResult.<description field id>}”
			"processDefinitionName": "com.bmc.dsm.chatbot:Create Service Request",
			"waitForActionExecution": true

The following table explains the inputs provided in the action block for creating a service request:

Field IDInput textDescription



Defines the action status.



Specifies the name of the action.

Ensure that the name matches to the Service Request Name specified in the BMC Helix Business Workflows Catalog.



Specifies the login name of the user.


"6491c1f4-5dc7-0887-b8b2-6b11284a49fd": "$startDate"
"ab9a845c-0e69-2929-8a25-66a5a319a539": "$vacationType"
"ef1145f2-2730-d43b-706e-d25b812ef041": "$endDate"
"f4036404-f6cb-9173-6bb1-007296a27463": "$userQuestion"

Specifies the vacation start date.

Specifies the vacation type. For example, paid vacation.

Specifies the vacation end date.

Output map

The following table explains the outputs provided:

Field IDOutputDescription
536870910StatusSpecifies the status of the service request.
536870911Request IdSpecifies the ID of the service request.
<Description field ID>DescriptionSpecifies the description of the service request. Ensure that the Field Id exists and the content in the field ID placeholder is not blank.

In a service request, when the process in the output action map is executed, the process result is embedded in the user message and sent to the user. If you want to return a process result to Watson for validation or conditional child dialog execution, you must use "waitForActionExecution": true in the output action map.

Sample: Searching for a knowledge article

If there are any knowledge articles related to a request from a user, you can enable BMC Helix Chatbot to return a list of related knowledge articles. The following JSON illustrates the dialog response that contains a chat action to search for knowledge articles:

Sample JSON: Searching for a knowledge article
"output": {
  "text": {
   "values": [
   "I found the following knowledge articles relating to your issue.${actionResult.536870911} Is this helpful?"
"action": {
 "inputMap": {
  "536870920": "<?input.text?>”,     
  "536870921": "0”,                 
  "536870922": “3”                 
"outputMap": {
  "status": "${actionResult.536870910}”,         
  "results": "${actionResult.536870911}”    
"processDefinitionName": "com.bmc.dsm.chatbot:Search Knowledge"
"result": "${actionResult.536870911}",
"status": "${actionResult.536870910}"

The following table explains the inputs provided in the action block for retrieving the knowledge articles:

FieldInput textDescription


<?input.text?>Specifies the text that has to be searched.


0Specifies the beginning of the search index.


3Specifies the maximum number of knowledge articles that should be returned.
results${actionResult.536870911}Returns a JSON string with the related knowledge article details.

Sample: Getting the status of the service request

After creating a service request based on the details provided by the user, BMC Helix Chatbot returns the status of the service request.

For example, for time-off request, BMC Helix Chatbot creates a new service request and returns the service request ID to the user.

The following JSON illustrates the dialog response that contains a chat action to get the status of your request:

Sample JSON: Getting the status of the service request
"output": { 
"text": {     
"values": [
  "Your requests ${actionResult.536870911}"
"action": {
"inputMap": {
  "536870920": "trigger",
  "536870922": “$loginName",
  "536870923": "4”,        
  "536870924": [
"outputMap": {
  "status": "${actionResult.536870910}",     
  "seachResult": "${actionResult.536870911}"
"processDefinitionName": "com.bmc.dsm.chatbot:Get Request Status"

The following table explains the inputs provided in the action block for receiving the status of the service request:

FieldInput textDescription
triggerDefines the action status.
$loginNameSpecifies the login name of the user.
4Specifies the maximum number of service requests to show for the user.

Sample: Publishing an event in a chat dialog

If you are tracking an event to derive the chatbot usage metrics, you must publish the event details in the dialog in the IBM Watson Assistant Skills. The following JSON illustrates the dialog that contains the publish event action:

Sample JSON: Publishing an event in a chat dialog
            "event created"

The input variables in the JSON change for each event. The following variables are available from chatbot:

Variable nameDescription
chatbot_channelTo set the channel
chatbot_idTo set the chatbot id
chatbot_nameTo set the chatbot name

Sample: Checking entitlements and questions with default answers

The chatbot checks whether an end user is entitled for a service. The chatbot also checks whether a service question has default answers by using the Entitlement Check and Fill Default Questions action.

The following JSON illustrates the dialog that contains the Entitlement Check and Fill Default Questions action:

Sample JSON: Checking entitlements and questions with default answers
{ "output": { "text": { "values": [], "selection_policy": "sequential" }, "action": { "inputMap": { "service Id": "ABBCD1EFP0GHIJK7L0MNO9PQRE3S4" }, "outputMap": { "status": "${actionResult.output.status}", "message": "${actionResult.output.message}" }, "actionTypeName": "com.bmc.dsm.chatbot:checkEntitlementAndFillDefaultValues", "waitForActionExecution": true } }, "context": { } }

The following table describes the parameters in the JSON:


service Id

ID of the service created in BMC Helix Digital Workplace Catalog

  • Success
  • Error
  • Not Found
  • If the status is Success, the message includes the entire object.
  • If the status is Error, the error message string is displayed.
  • If the status is Not Found, a message stating that the user does not have access to the service is displayed.

Sample Output map of Entitlement Check and Fill Default Questions

If the action is successful, it returns the following output map:

Sample output map for Entitlement Check and Fill Default Questions
    "bmc_answerByQuestionId": {
        "CountryNameID1": "United States",
        "DevicesOwnedID2": [
    "bmc_lookup_mappings": {
        "CountryNameID1": [
                "label": "United States",
                "value": "1"
                "label": "India",
                "value": "2"
    "bmc_visibilityByQuestionId": {
        "CountyNameID4": true,
        "StateNameID5": false
    "bmc_requestId": "requestId",
    "bmc_questionnaireId": "questionnairedId"

The following table describes the output map:



ID of the question

United States

Default answer of the CountryNameID1 question.

Sample: Populating default answers to service request questions

If a service has dependent questions or has a default answer to a question, the answers populated in the output map of the Entitlement Check and Fill Default Questions action are used as input for the submitAnswer action.

The following JSON illustrates the dialog that contains the submitAnswer action:

Sample JSON: Populating default answers to service request questions
  "output": {
    "action": {
      "inputMap": {
        "answer": "$country",
        "requestId": "$bmc_requestId",
        "serviceId": "ABBCDE1FGH0IJKLM7N0OPH9QRST3U4",
        "questionId": "6ab57c6-53de-fghi-9jk9-351l8m771n1o",
        "questionnaireId": "$bmc_questionnaireId"
      "outputMap": {
        "status": "${actionResult.output.status}",
        "message": "${actionResult.output.message}"
      "actionTypeName": "com.bmc.dsm.chatbot:submitAnswer",
      "waitForActionExecution": true
    "generic": [
        "values": [],
        "response_type": "text",
        "selection_policy": "sequential"

The following table describes the parameters in the JSON:

  • Success
  • Error
  • If the status is Success, the message includes the entire object.
  • If the status is Error, the error message string is displayed.

Sample output map of the SubmitAnswer action

If the action is successful, it returns the following output map:

Sample output map for Submit Answer
     "bmc_answerByQuestionId": {
        "CountryNameID1": "United States",
        "DevicesOwnedID2": [
    "bmc_lookup_mappings": {
        "CountryNameID1": [
                "label": "United States",
                "value": "1"
                "label": "India",
                "value": "2"
    "bmc_visibilityByQuestionId": {
        "CountyNameID4": true,
        "StateNameID5": false

Related topics

Importing chat-enabled services from BMC Helix Digital Workplace Advanced

Integrating BMC Helix Chatbot with other applications

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