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Virtualization - addIBMFrame

Virtualization - addIBMFrame

Description :

This command creates an IBM Frame and enrolls it in the system. The IBM frame is the entity manager on which you can create IBM virtual guests. For information on creating IBM virtual guests, see the introductory chapter, "Virtualization Concepts."

You can specify the following properties in the property list.

  • CUSTOMER: Optional customer name.
  • AGENTLESS_MANAGED_OBJECT_ICON_FILE*: Optional. This icon file appears in the extended properties panel in the BMC Server Automation GUI, and is normally consumed by other application code (for example, CSM). If you do not set this property, it is automatically set to ibm_frame.gif.
  • AGENTLESS_MANAGED_OBJECT_PROXY_HOST* : Mandatory. Host name of the AMO proxy.
  • VIRTUALIZATION* : Optional. Sets the virtual entity type for the IBM Frame you are creating. If you do not set this, it is automatically set to IBM Frame.

Return type : String

Command Input :

Variable Name

Variable Type




Host name of the AMO (in this case the IBM frame).



Comma-separated property list.


The following example creates an IBM Frame and enrolls it in the system.


# AMO_PROXY_HOST represents the AIX proxy server on which you have installed an RSCD agent. 


# IBM_FRAME_SERVER_NAME represents the IBM Frame agentless device. This is an agentless managed object (AMO) that does NOT have an RSCD agent installed on it. 

# The name of the Frame must be exactly the same as it is shown under the HMC in which it is being managed. 


# The connection details for the IBM Frame are actually the connection details of its Primary HMC. 




IBM_FRAME_ENCODED_PASSWORD=`blenc $IBM_FRAME_PASSWORD | grep ^BLencrypt: | cut -f2 -d: | tr -d '[:cntrl:]' ` 

# Add a new IBM Frame agentless device. In the example below, the property CUSTOMER is not mandatory. 


# As part of the creation process, the addIBMFrame command creates a new Connection  property set instance (in this example, Connection_$IBM_FRAME_SERVER_NAME). 

# Update this newly created Connection property set instance 

blcli PropertyInstance setOverriddenValue Class://SystemObject/Connection/Connection_$IBM_FRAME_SERVER_NAME CONNECTION_URL $IBM_FRAME_URL 

blcli PropertyInstance setOverriddenValue Class://SystemObject/Connection/Connection_$IBM_FRAME_SERVER_NAME CONNECTION_USER $IBM_FRAME_USER 

blcli PropertyInstance setOverriddenValue Class://SystemObject/Connection/Connection_$IBM_FRAME_SERVER_NAME CONNECTION_PASSWORD $IBM_FRAME_ENCODED_PASSWORD 

# The steps below show an example of how to distribute a IBM Frame custom object (CO) to the  newly added IBM Frame agentless device. 

JOB_GROUP_ID=`blcli JobGroup groupNameToId /Distribute` 

# Create a new Distribute CO Job in the given Job Group. 

JOB_KEY=`blcli DistributeConfigurationObjectsJob createDistributeConfigurationObjectsJob "Distribute IBM Frame CO" $JOB_GROUP_ID true` 

# Add the IBM Frame CO to the Distribute CO Job. Note that the IBM Frame CO  is represented by the constant BMC_IBM_VirtualSystemEnabler. This always gets the most recent version of the IBM Frame CO. 

JOB_KEY=`blcli DistributeConfigurationObjectsJob addLatestGlobalConfigObjectVersionToJob $JOB_KEY BMC_IBM_VirtualSystemEnabler` 

# Add the IBM Frame agentless device to the Distribute CO Job. 

JOB_KEY=`blcli Job addTargetServer $JOB_KEY $IBM_FRAME_SERVER_NAME` 

blcli Job execute $JOB_KEY 

# To obtain the results of the Job Run, you can run the commands below after the job run is complete 

JOB_RUN_ID=`blcli JobRun findLastRunKeyByJobKey $JOB_KEY` 

JOB_RUN_RESULT=`blcli JobRun getJobRunHadErrorsById $JOB_RUN_ID` 

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