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DepotSoftware - setDepotSoftwareReturnCodeOverridesByDBKey

DepotSoftware - setDepotSoftwareReturnCodeOverridesByDBKey

Description :

By default, if a software installable in the depot returns any non-zero return code, the BLCLI sees it as an error, with the one exception that the return code 3010 on Windows is seen as a success with need to reboot.

This command lets you override this default behavior by defining a list of override code numbers for Errors, Warnings, Success with Reboot, and Success. These return code values override the default logic. If a software installable returns a code that is not in the override list, then the BLCLI returns to the default logic of treating all non-zero codes as errors, with the exception of 3010 on Windows.

This command sets the return code overrides for the install or uninstall command of a software installable in the depot.

You can set the commandType argument to one of the following strings:

  • install: The install command
  • uninstall: The uninstall command

Return type : DBKey

Command Input :

Variable Name

Variable Type




Handle to the software installable whose return code overrides you want to set.



The type of the command (either "install" or "uninstall").



The list of return codes that should be interpreted as an error. A blank string indicates that there are no overrides for this category.



The list of return codes that should be interpreted as a warning. A blank string indicates that there are no overrides for this category.



The list of return codes that should be interpreted as a reboot request. A blank string indicates that there are no overrides for this category.



The list of return codes that should be interpreted as success. A blank string indicates that there are no overrides for this category.


The following example specifies the return codes that should be interpreted as errors, warnings, reboot requests, and successes for the install command for the python-4.2-0.69.2asp.i386.rpm installable.


INSTALLABLE_KEY=`blcli DepotObject getDBKeyByTypeStringGroupAndName RPM_INSTALLABLE "/Software" python-4.2-0.69.2asp.i386.rpm`

blcli DepotSoftware setDepotSoftwareReturnCodeOverridesByDBKey "$INSTALLABLE_KEY" "install" "<0,1,2,3" "4,5,6,10..15" "100..200" "0"
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