Suppressing repetitious messages by suffix type

For each anomaly encountered in an area, the command function might generate warning, error, informational, or critical messages. When the number of places that a particular condition exists is high, a large number of messages are produced.

You can use the MESSAGE_SUPPRESSION keyword on the primary command to set a threshold level for all messages with a certain suffix. You can reduce the number of repetitious messages by specifying a threshold value on the MESSAGE_SUPPRESSION keyword. Use this keyword to specify the maximum number of times that any warning or error message is to be produced before it is suppressed.

In the example in the following figure, the MESSAGE_SUPPRESSION keyword specifies that any given warning message is to be issued no more than 10 times, that any given error message is to be produced no more than 15 times, and that any given informational message will be issued no more than five times by the reorganization process.

REORGANIZE DBD-<dbdname>,IAREA=<areaname>,

When messages are suppressed in this way, the Fast Path Online Suite product produces a summary of the number of times that each message has been suppressed.


The MESSAGE_LIMIT keyword takes precedence over the MESSAGE_SUPPRESSION keyword. In other words, if you specify a suppression threshold for a specific message using the OVERRIDE subcommand (with the MESSAGE_LIMIT keyword) on the PFPOPTS DD statement, the product will comply with this threshold, even if you specify a different threshold for all messages with the same suffix level (with the MESSAGE_SUPPRESSION keyword) on the primary command.

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