Selecting the type of extend

Fast Path Online Reorg/EP extends a DEDB without taking it offline from IMS.

Because Fast Path Online Reorg/EP incorporates all batch functionality that is provided by the Fast Path Reorg/EP product, you can also perform offline extends by using Fast Path Online Reorg/EP. For more information, see the Fast Path Offline Suite documentation Open link .Guide.

Online extend

The online extend process extends a DEDB without taking it offline. Performing an online extend requires a license for Fast Path Online Reorg/EP.

Control statement (online Extend)

The PFPSYSIN control statements include the command set necessary to run the online Extend function. A sample control statement for an online extend of IOVF is shown in the following sample. Extending is limited to only the area that is specified with the IAREA keyword.

//         PARM=(IFP,<dbdname>,DBF#FPU0) 
  EXTEND DBD=<dbdname>,IAREA=<areaname>,

Performance considerations (online Extend)

This section discusses performance considerations for the online Extend function.

Analyzing the area while extending

If you have a license for the Fast Path Online Analyzer/EP product, the product performs quick (checksum) pointer validation by default during the online Extend function. The I/O that is required to read the UOW and IOVF control intervals is shared between the two functions.

For more information, see Analyzing the DEDB during an extend. For example, you can control the level of pointer validation or turn pointer validation off, depending on your performance considerations.

Creating an output image copy while extending

If you create one or more output image copies while performing an online extend, the I/O that is required to read the UOW control intervals is shared between the two functions. A license for the Fast Path Online Image Copy/EP product is required.

The image copy process requires the IOVF control intervals to be processed sequentially. The I/O that is required to read the IOVF control intervals for the image copy is not shared. The I/O that is required for processing of the SDEP control intervals is shared between image copy and analysis functions.

You can use the IC subcommand to request creation of an image copy for each area during the extend. DBRC is informed (NOTIFY.IC) that a concurrent image copy has been created.

Message suppression (MESSAGE_SUPPRESSION)

For each anomaly that is encountered in an area, the Extend function generates a message with a specific suffix (severity) level. When the number of places that a particular condition exists is large, a large number of messages is produced. You can reduce the number of repetitious messages produced by using the MESSAGE_SUPPRESSION keyword to specify the maximum number of times that an informational, warning, error, or critical message is to be produced.

For the online extend process, this keyword functions in the same manner as it does for the Fast Path/EP online analysis process. For more information, see Suppressing repetitious messages.

MADS considerations (online Extend)

Fast Path Online Reorg/EP fully supports multiple area data sets (MADS) for online extends. All online MADS that are registered for each area are extended simultaneously.

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