Defining the extract output data set

Extract data sets can be allocated by using DD statements that are supplied in the JCL or by using dynamic allocation. BMC recommends dynamic allocation because of the flexibility and improved control that it provides.

By default, one output extract data set is produced for each input area. You can specify the optional OFILECTL subcommand to combine data that is obtained from one or more input areas into a single output data set. One output extract data set is created for each OFILECTL subcommand that is specified.

Regardless of which format you select for the extract output file, the DCB for each output file will always have the following attributes:

  • RECFM=VB (variable block)

  • LRECL=minimum record length for the file calculated automatically by Fast Path Analyzer/EP. You can, however, specify a larger value.

  • BLKSIZE=calculated automatically by Fast Path Online Analyzer/EP

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