Dynamic allocation of data sets

The minimum JCL that is required for execution of Fast Path Offline Suite product functions is simple because many of the necessary data sets can be allocated dynamically. If you supply the appropriate DD statements in your JCL, the specified data sets are used. BMC recommends that you omit these DD statements so that dynamic allocation is used.

When you are using dynamic allocation, Fast Path Offline Suite products search for the appropriate DFSMDA members in the following order:

  • In the data sets that are allocated to the STEPLIB DD statement

  • In the data sets that are allocated in LNKLIST

IMS ACB library

Fast Path Offline Suite product functions require access to the IMS ACB library containing the database definitions (DMB) for the DEDB area or areas to be processed.

The following JCL DD statements are searched in the order listed for the IMS ACB library:


  • OLCSTAT (IMS version 8.1 or later)




If one of the first three DD statements listed above is not included in the JCL, the Fast Path Offline Suite product tries to dynamically allocate it in the following order:

  1. STEPLIB/LNKLIST are searched for the OLCSTAT DFSMDA member (IMS version 8.1 or later only). If found, the OLCSTAT data set is interrogated to determine whether IMSACBA or IMSACBB is the active current library.

  2. If OLCSTAT DFSMDA is not found, the STEPLIB/LNKLIST are searched for the MODSTAT DFSMDA member. If found, the MODSTAT data set is interrogated to determine whether IMSACBA or IMSACBB is the active current library.

  3. If MODSTAT DFSMDA is not found, the STEPLIB/LNKLIST are searched for the MODSTAT2 DFSMDA member. If found, the MODSTAT2 data set is interrogated to determine whether IMSACBA or IMSACBB is the active current library.

  4. If the IMSACBA or IMSACBB DD statement is not present in the JCL, the STEPLIB/LNKLIST are searched for the DFSMDA member.

For details about using DD statements to identify the IMS ACB library, see the IMS/ESA System Administration Guide.


The IMS/ESA release level of the ACB library must be the same as that of the RESLIB that is included in the STEPLIB DD statement concatenation.

Area data set

Fast Path Offline Suite product functions require access to the area data set to be processed.

The areaname DD statement identifies the area data set to be processed. If the areaname DD statement is omitted from the JCL, the product tries to dynamically allocate it.

The areaname DD statement is the area data set that is used as input to analyze, DMAC print, and unload functions, as output from change and reload functions, and as input and output of reorganize and initialization functions. The IMSACB DD statement identifies the ACB library containing the database definition that describes the area which is referenced by the areaname DD statement.

The areaname DD statement can specify an image copy data set with analyze, DMAC print, and unload functions.

If DBRC is active, the area is registered with DBRC, and the areaname DD statement refers to an area data set, the areaname DD statement data set must match the registered area data set name.

If you are using dynamic allocation, do not include the areaname DD statement. The Fast Path Offline Suite product tries to obtain the data set name for allocation in the following order:

  1. If the INPUT_DSN_MASK keyword is specified, it is used to generate the data set name for the analyze, DMAC print, initialize, reorganize, and unload functions.
  2. If the OUTPUT_DSN_MASK keyword is specified, it is used to generate the data set name for the change and reload functions.
  3. If DBRC is active and the area is registered, the registered area data set name is obtained from DBRC.
  4. The STEPLIB/LINKLIST is searched for the DFSMDA member that contains the data set name for this area.

    Disposition of the area data set, whether dynamically allocated or specified in the JCL, depends on the command function that is processed, as shown in following table:

    Command function

    Area data set disposition



    CHANGE (output)








    RELOAD (output)




    UNLOAD (input)


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