Dynamically modifying messages

Fast Path Offline Suite products provide the capability to temporarily or permanently customize eligible messages that are issued by any Fast Path Offline Suite primary command.

Eligible refers to messages that are available for customization as defined within the product. Temporarily means that you can specify customizations that will apply only to the job input where the changes are requested. Permanently means that you can specify message customizations that will apply to all subsequent Fast Path Offline Suite job execution until you choose to return customizations to product defaults.

You might find message customization useful for the following situations:

  • To reduce the 'nuisance factor' of a message, such as the number of times a message about segment length errors is issued for a very large area

  • To reduce the severity level of a message from E (error) to W (warning) so that issuance of the message will not terminate processing (such as an error message that would otherwise terminate an unload process)

  • To increase the severity level of a condition-specific message to force an automatic snap dump in response to a detected condition within the DEDB or area

Permanent changes that you request for eligible messages are stored in the Fast Path/EP statistics repository and are implemented by coding command language executed by the PFPEPR00 repository program. Changes to messages that are specified in this manner will apply as long as they remain stored in the repository.

When you have defined message customizations and stored them in the repository catalog, you must define the repository catalog data set name in your job input to activate message customizations. If you decide later to undo any (or all) message customizations, you can execute PFPEPR00 to return all (or selected) messages to product defaults.

Temporary changes that you request for eligible messages are specified in the JCL under the PFPOPTS DD statement. After job execution, any specified changes will restore the previous settings automatically.

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