Segment definition for load control placement

The SEGMENT keyword is required with the LOADCTL subcommand to identify segments for load control placement.

The following subparameters are available for the SEGMENT keyword to provide selection versatility:

  • SEGMENT=(segname,ONLY) (the default) specifies that the LOADCTL subcommand applies to the named segment only. Its dependent segments (if any) are not affected.

  • SEGMENT=(segname,DEPENDENTS) specifies that the LOADCTL subcommand applies to the dependents of the named segment only. The named segment is not affected.

  • SEGMENT=(segname,BOTH) specifies that the LOADCTL subcommand applies to the named segment and all its dependents.

The LOCATION keyword specifies where you want the segments placed. The following values are available:

  • LOCATION=IOVF (the default) places segments in IOVF storage regardless of the amount of space that is available in RAA and/or DOVF blocks.

  • LOCATION=DOVF places segments in DOVF storage, regardless of the amount of space available in the RAA block. If an inadequate amount of space exists in the DOVF blocks, the segment is placed in IOVF.

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