Extend IOVF and SDEP storage portions

If an out-of-space condition occurs in IOVF or SDEP, you can use the Fast Path Reorg/EP patented Extend feature to extend the IOVF and SDEP portions of a DEDB during a reorganization. The ability to extend the IOVF and SDEP portions of the area during the reorganization process can save time and resources in comparison to using the CHANGE or UNLOAD/RELOAD commands.

Depending on how many IOVF or SDEP portions you request, the number of control intervals (CIs) that are required to accommodate your request is rounded up to the next control area (CA) boundary. If additional CIs must be added as a result of the rounding, the additional CIs are added to the SDEP portion of the database.


If you specify the EXTEND_IOVF_#UOWS keyword on the REORGANIZE command and SDEP segments are defined in the DBD, the offline reorganization function will automatically use the keyword value SELECT_UOW=ALL (instead of the standard default SELECT_UOW=IOVF). Processing of all UOWs ensures that all SDEP pointers are updated to accommodate the IOVF extension, but might increase processing time for the reorganization.

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