Common features

Several important features that are common to all Fast Path Offline Suite products facilitate product implementation and use:
  • For customers who receive the Fast Path Offline Suite products on the I-series cartridge tape, installation is accomplished with the BMC Installation System. For more information, see the Installation System documentation Open link .

  • Fast Path Offline Suite customers have the option of using the DBA Toolkit, which is included with the MAXM Database Advisor for IMS product on the I-series cartridge tape. Installation is accomplished with the BMC Installation System. For more information, see the Installation System documentation Open link .

  • Fast Path Offline Suite products incorporate an easy-to-use command language. Commands, subcommands, keywords, and keyword parameter options provide control and customization of DEDB maintenance and analysis functions. Command sets are composed of a command, optional subcommands, and optional keywords with their parameter values.

  • Fast Path Offline Suite products are integrated with BMC products for IMS (IMAGE COPY PLUS, RECOVERY PLUS, RECOVERY MANAGER, DELTA/IMS, and DATA PACKER/IMS).

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