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Setting up the CLI environment

This topic describes how to configure your environment so that you can use command line tools available with BMC Database Automation.


Starting with version 8.9.03, the command line utility, cmdutils is deprecated on Windows. The utility is still supported on Linux.

Installing the command line tools on Linux


If the perl package on your Manager or Agent is later than the one in the cmdutils package, you do not have to install the rpm files as detailed in this section.

  1. From the Additional Utilities item that you downloaded from EPD, copy and extract the
  2. As the root user, install the .rpm files (versions are examples):
    1. rpm -Uvh clarity-perl-
    2. rpm -Uvh clarity-cmdutils-8.3.6-1.i386.rpm

The /app/clarity/cmdutils default base directory is created, with the following subdirectories:

Directory under baseFunction
/binDirectory in which executable utilities are stored
/etcConfiguration directory (for example, SSL client certificates)
/libSupport libraries for command line tools
/samplesSample scripts which demonstrate common use cases
/templatesSupport XML files for use with sample scripts
/var/logDirectory log files are written to

Installing the command line tools on Windows

  1. Run the clarity-cmdutls-x.x-x86.exe on the Windows agent host.
  2. On the BMC BDA Command Line Utilities Setup screen, select an installation directory and click Install.

The following base directories are created:

    • 32-bit Windows: C:\Program Files\BMC Software\BMC Database Automation\cmdutils
    • 64-bit Windows: C:\Program Files (x86)\BMC Software\BMC Database Automation\cmdutils

Where to go next

Enabling the API on the Manager

Related topic

API infrastructure

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