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Performing provisioning operations using bdacli

Command line utilities support using templates to perform provisioning operations on all the databases supported by BMC Database Automation (BDA). The bdacli utility uses command-based syntax that specifies what operations will be performed on the database by referencing a template for those operations.

Before you begin

Ensure that you have downloaded the command line utilities and have configured your environment to use them. For more information, see Setting up the CLI environment.

Manager address and user credentials

To successfully initiate a job, provide a manager address and login/password using environment variables or command line parameters. You will most likely use environment variables because of the likelihood that you will use one manager with its own BDA credentials. Note, however, that command line parameters take a precedence over environment variables.

The following environment variables are used:

  • GA_MANAGER (manager address)

  • GA_USERNAME (user)
  • GA_PASSWORD (password)

Alternatively, the following command line parameters can be used:

  • --manager
  • --username
  • --password

Password file and filename parameter

The --password-filename parameter is an optional parameter that takes the name of a password file, a plain text file that specifies the username on the first line and the password on the second line. If this parameter is specified, all checks related to GA_USERNAME and GA_PASSWORD environment variables are ignored.

Best practice

The password file should contain read-only permissions and should be owned only by a user responsible for running scripts using the bdacli utility.

Password file descriptor parameter

For UNIX environments, you can use the optional command line parameter --password-file-descriptor to pass the username and password to the bdacli utility. If the parameter is specified, all checks related to GA_USERNAME and GA_PASSWORD environment variables are ignored.

The file descriptor can be used while using the mtd_client in shell scripts. The following example shows how to use FIFO to pass the file descriptor to bdacli:

mkfifo fifo
exec 4<>fifo; (echo sysadmin; echo pass) >&4; ./ --password-file-descriptor 4 ....
rm fifo

Using the utility

To use the tool, type the following command: -type <mssql|oracle|sybase|db2> <COMMAND> [COMMAND OPTIONS] <TEMPLATE>


  • -type is the type of database on which you want BDA to perform the operation. You can use a shortcut to replace this option by typing the database type and command directly (for example, --add-instance). You can use the DB type as a shortcut to replace the type option. For example: --add-instance --remove-database --apply-patch --add-instance
  • <COMMAND> is a set of parameters to be specified. For one command these are host or instance names, and for another a user or cluster name. For example commands, see Provisioning operations.
  • [COMMAND OPTIONS] are the variable parameters that must accompany a specific command. For example command options, see Provisioning operations.
  • <TEMPLATE> is the template that is used to pass parameters relevant to that template. For more information, see Working with templates.

The following table describes the command line exit values that are used and their meaning.

Command Line Exit Value





Unknown error

2Failed to connect to manager
3Invalid job type specified
4XML input validation error
5One or more targets specified was invalid
6Provisioning command job failed
20The specified template does not exist
21Invalid version specified
22Invalid DB name specified
23Invalid param value specified
50Authentication failed: incorrect username/password
51Authorization failed: insufficient capability to perform operation

Working with templates

You can specify a template in one of two ways:

  • Template FQN (for example,/ oracle_instance_provision_template)


    Use the BDA Fully-Qualified Name (FQN) for the template name.

  • Template ID

Setting and overriding template parameters

Template parameters can be configured using the command line, an XML file, or the --params parameter.

Setting and overriding template parameters using the command line

Using the command line to set parameters is especially effective for operations that can be easily expressed in a wizard. For example, the following syntax is used for Oracle single instance provisioning: --create-database --database-name=ONE --version= --params="display_name=MYDB" /oracle_instance_provision_template

Setting and overriding template parameters in an .xml file

When you have several parameters, you want to set or override in the template, you can type them into an XML file, as shown in the following example:

<parameters> <display_name>MYDB</display_name> <ora_home_location>/opt/oracle</ora_home_location> </parameters>=

You then reference the saved file in your command line syntax, as shown in the following example: --create-database --database-name=ONE --version= --params-file=/app/clarity/cmdutils/TEST/templates/params.xml/oracle_instance_provision_template

Setting and overriding template parameters using the --params parameter

Another option to set or override parameters in a template is to set the --params parameter in the bdacli utility. For example, the following existing template:


can be overridden using the utility, as follows:

# --create-database --database-name=ONE --version= --params="ora_home_location=/opt/oracle" /oracle_instance_provision_template


To override more than one argument within the --params argument to, separate each with a comma (for example, params=”name=value,another_name=another-value).

Using custom fields and parameters to set and substitute values

You can define any number of custom fields, set field values as those custom fields and then, using the --params argument, override those values.

For example, set this custom field in your template:


 Then, use it as a replacement custom field. For example:   

Name: Disk Group Name
Description: The name of the diskgroup.
Required: This is a required field if specifying diskgroups.

Next, specify a new value using the params option. For example:


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Provisioning operations

To locate a specific operation to perform using the bdacli command line tool, perform any of the following actions:

  • Select an option from the Type list to filter the table by database type.
  • Select an option from the Operation list to filter the table by a specific provisioning operation that you want to perform for the selected database type, such as Create Database.
  • Type a character string in the Description boxes to filter the list of operations (for example, typing cre in the Description field displays all operations with Create in the description.  
  • Click any column heading to sort this table or change sort direction.

Oops, it seems that you need to place a table or a macro generating a table within the Table Filter macro.

The table is being loaded. Please wait for a bit ...






Create Database

Create an Oracle database. 
OracleRemove Database

Remove an Oracle database. 
OracleUpgrade Database

Upgrade an Oracle database earlier than version 11.2.

Note: Oracle databases earlier than version 11.2 do not require specifying an Oracle Home. 
OracleUpgrade Database

Upgrade an Oracle database earlier equal or later than version 11.2.

Note: Oracle databases equal or later than version 11.2 require specifying an Oracle Home.
OracleCreate Oracle HomeCreate an Oracle Home.
OracleRemove Oracle HomeRemove an Oracle Home.
OracleCreate ClusterCreate an Oracle cluster. 
OracleRemove ClusterRemove an Oracle cluster. 
OracleUpgrade ClusterUpgrade an Oracle cluster. 
--upgrade-asm=ASM123 | --upgrade-crs=CRS321
OracleAdd Node to the ClusterAdd Node to an Oracle cluster. 
OracleRemove Node from the ClusterRemove Node from an Oracle cluster. 
OracleCreate DatabaseCreate an Oracle cluster. 
OracleRemove DatabaseRemove an Oracle cluster. 
OracleUpgrade DatabaseUpgrade an Oracle cluster. 
OracleAdd InstanceAdd a single instance Oracle database. 
OracleRemove InstanceRemove a single instance Oracle database. 
OracleApply/Rollback PatchApply or rollback an Oracle patch. 
--apply-patch | --rollback-patch=/QAPatch
Oracle RAC One NodeAdd Candidate ServerAdd a candidate server.
Oracle RAC One NodeRemove Candidate ServerRemove a candidate server.
Oracle Pluggable DatabaseCreate Pluggable DatabaseCreate a Pluggable Database.
Oracle Pluggable DatabaseRemove Pluggable DatabaseRemove a Pluggable Database.
Oracle Pluggable DatabaseMove Pluggable DatabaseMove a Pluggable Database.
Oracle Pluggable DatabaseUnplug Pluggable DatabaseUnplug a Pluggable Database.
SQL ServerAdd InstanceAdd an instance of SQL Server. 
--instance-name=named | --make-default
SQL ServerRemove InstanceRemove an instance of SQL Server. 
SQL ServerCreate DatabaseCreate an SQL Server database. 
SQL ServerRemove DatabaseRemove an SQL Server database. 
SQL ServerAdd Clustered InstanceAdd a clustered SQL Server instance. 
--instance-name=named | --make-default
SQL ServerRemove Clustered InstanceRemove a clustered SQL Server instance. 
SQL ServerCreate Clustered DatabaseCreate a clustered SQL Server database. 
SQL ServerRemove Clustered DatabaseRemove a clustered SQL Server database. 
SQL ServerAdd/Remove Node to/from Clustered InstanceAdd or remove a node to or from a clustered SQL Server instance. 
SQL ServerApply/Rollback Patch:
Single Instance
Apply or rollback a patch of a single SQL Server instance. 
--apply-patch|--rollback-patch="/QA STD - SQL Server 2012 SP1 x64"
SQL Server

Apply/Rollback Patch:
Clustered Instance (2005)

Apply or rollback a patch of a clustered SQL Server 2005 instance.
--apply-patch|--rollback-patch="/QA STD - SQL Server 2012 SP1 x64"
SQL Server

Apply/Rollback Patch:
Two Clustered Instances (2005)

Apply or rollback a patch of two clustered SQL Server 2005 instances in the same cluster.
--apply-patch|--rollback-patch="/QA STD - SQL Server 2012 SP1 x64"
SQL Server

Apply/Rollback Patch:
Clustered Instance (2008 and later)

Apply or rollback a patch of a clustered instance of SQL Server 2008 or later.
--apply-patch|--rollback-patch="/QA STD - SQL Server 2012 SP1 x64"
Note: The --use-allinstances parameter is applicable for version 8.9.01 and later.
SQL Server

Apply/Rollback Patch:
Clustered Instance on all nodes in cluster (2008 and later)

Apply or rollback a patch of a clustered instance of SQL Server 2008 or later on all nodes in the cluster.
--apply-patch|--rollback-patch="/QA STD - SQL Server 2012 SP1 x64"
Note : The --use-allinstances parameter is applicable for version 8.9.01 and later.
SQL Server AlwaysOnAdd Availability GroupAdd an Availability Group.
--primary-instance=virtual_server\instance | --primary-instance=host\instance
SQL Server AlwaysOnRemove Availability GroupRemove an Availability Group.
SQL Server AlwaysOnAdd DB to Availability GroupAdd a database to an Availability Group.
--primary-instance=virtual_server\instance | --primary-instance=host\instance
SQL Server AlwaysOnRemove DB from Availability GroupRemove a database from an Availability Group.
SQL Server AlwaysOnAdd Replica to Availability GroupAdd a Replica to an Availability Group.
SQL Server AlwaysOnRemove Replica from Availability GroupRemove a Replica from an Availability Group.
SQL Server AlwaysOnFail Over Availability GroupFail over an Availability Group.
    --secondary-instance=virtual_server\instance | --secondary-instance=host\instance
SybaseAdd InstanceAdd a Sybase instance. 
    --dataserver | --repserver
SybaseRemove InstanceRemove a Sybase instance.
    --dataserver | --repserver
SybaseAdd Instance to the VCS cluster

Add a Sybase instance to the VCS cluster.

Note: For dataservers only. 
SybaseCreate HomeCreate a Sybase Dataserver or Replication Server Home. 
--dataserver | --repserver
SybaseRemove HomeRemove a Sybase Dataserver or Replication Server Home. 
--dataserver | --repserver
SybaseApply Patch:
Single-target mode
Apply a Sybase patch in single-target mode using a global SA password.
--dataserver | --repserver
--apply-patch="/QA STD - Sybase 15.7 ESD 2 Linux x86_64"

Apply Patch:
Single-target mode

Apply a Sybase patch in single-target mode using a different username/password per instance.
--dataserver | --repserver
--apply-patch="/QA STD - Sybase 15.7 ESD 2 Linux x86_64"

Apply Patch:
Single-target mode

Apply a Sybase patch in a single-target mode where /root/creds.xml has the specified syntax.
<instance name="Instance1" username="user1">PASSWORD1</instance>
<instance name="Instance2" username="user2">PASSWORD2</instance>
<instance name="Instance3" username="user3">PASSWORD3</instance>

Apply Patch:
Multi-target mode

Apply a Sybase patch in multi-target mode. 
--dataserver | --repserver
--apply-patch="/QA STD - Sybase 15.7 ESD 2 Linux x86_64"

Apply Patch:
Multi-target mode

Apply a Sybase patch in multi-target mode where /root/sybase_targets.xml has the specified syntax.
DB2Add InstanceAdd a DB2 instance. 
--version="DB2 Enterprise Server Edition v10.1"

Note: For Fixpacks, ensure that you specify the Fixpack name in the --version parameter. For example:
--version= "DB2 Enterprise Server Edition v10.5 Fix Pack 2"
DB2Create DatabaseCreate a DB2 database 
--version="DB2 Enterprise Server Edition v10.1"

Note: For DB2, you must specify the display name, and not the database name, in the syntax for creating the database using bdacli.
For Fixpacks, ensure that you specify the Fixpack name in the --version parameter. For example:
--version= "DB2 Enterprise Server Edition v10.5 Fix Pack 2"
DB2Remove InstanceRemove a DB2 instance. 
DB2Apply/Rollback PatchApply or rollback a DB2 patch. 
--apply-patch|--rollback-patch=”/QA DB2 Patch”

1 For SQL Server, the value for the --version parameter might not always match the file name generated by the mediaprep utility. For example:

  • The file name generated after preparing SQL Server 2012 RTM media is However, the --version parameter must also have the RTM appended to the filename (sql_2012_x64_enterprise_rtm).
  •  However, the file name generated after preparing rep SQL Server 2014 slipstreamed with Service Pack 1 is In this case the value for the --version parameter is sql_2014_x64_enterprise_4100.

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List operations

In addition to enabling provisioning operations, the bdacli utility provides the ability to generate lists that help you perform pre- or post-provisioning operations, as described in the following examples.

List available patches for a specific database type

The bdacli_{type}.pl command enables you to list patches for a specific database type.

# --patch-list /LINUX/ 

List unapproved objects that are under Pending Approval

The tool (formerly named in version 8.8 of BDA) enables you to list unapproved objects that are under Pending Approval in BDA.

# --manager= --sessid=myname

The following command options can be used in the syntax for the tool:

  • --manager: Specify BDA manager URL to connect to. Can be set globally via GA_MANAGER.
  • --sessid: Session ID (optional). Used locally in the client for logging purposes. Default value is auto-generated.
  • --client-version: BDA cmdutils version information.
  • --server-version: BDA mtd version information. Requires valid server credentials.
  • --type: The specific object type. Options are node, oradb, sqlinst, ds, rs, db2_instance, db2_database, orapdb, avgrp, app, or ohome.
  • --help: Command line tool help message.

Using after determining objects that are Pending Approval

You can subsequently approve any objects into BDA that are listed when running the command using the command line tool: --type-database <options> --host-name=node --instance-name=<name> --database-name=<name> [--database-name=<name> ... | --display-name=<name>]

The following command options can be used in the syntax for the tool:
  • --manager: Specify BDA manager URL to connect to. Can be set globally via GA_MANAGER
  • --sessid: Session ID (optional). Used locally in the client for logging purposes. Default value is auto-generated.
  • --client-version: BDA cmdutils version information
  • --server-version: BDA mtd version information. Requires valid server credentials.
  • --db2-database: Approve a DB2 database.
  • --host-name=hostname: The host on which the database is located
  • --instance-name=name: The name of the instance displayed in BDA
  • --database-name=name: The name of the database
  • --display-name=name: (optional) BDA name to approve. The default is the database name.
  • --help: Command line tool help message

For example, the following script approves the DB2 instance db2inst2 on the specified manager, which is also reflected in the BDA GUI: --db2-instance --manager --instance-name=db2inst2 --sessionid 2016_aug_29

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