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Managing provisioning for MySQL databases

This topic explains how to provision MySQL databases.

Provisioning a MySQL instance

Use the following procedure to provision an instance of a MySQL server:

  1. Download the customization file that you will need:
    1. Log in to the Manager through the back end.
    2. From the Attachments page, download to your Manager host under /app/clarity/dmanager/var.
    3. Restart the dmanager service.
  2. Copy the default configuration file and add the MySQL user:
    1. Log in to the Agent through the back end.
    2. Restart the dagent service.
    3. Go to /app/clarity/dagent/etc/custom/ and enter the following command to copy the configuration file:

      scp -r /app/clarity/dagent/etc/custom/mysql.conf.defaults /app/clarity/dagent/etc/
    4. Soft link the media by entering the following command:

      ln -snf /mnt/media/mysql_media/ /app/clarity/mysql_media
    5. Add the MySQL user by entering the following command:

      useradd mysql
    6. Restart the dagent service.
  3. Specify the MySQL instance that you want to install:
    1. Log in to the Manager through the GUI.
    2. From the Attachments page, download and import it to the Manager in the Action Repository.
    3. In the Action Repository, select the mysql_provision_instance menu.
    4. Run the mysql_provision_instance action.
    5. On the next page, select default.xml in the Template field.
    6. On the next page, complete the following fields:

      FieldWhat to enter
      VersionVersion of the MySQL server that you want to install (5.1.59, 5.5.16, or 5.5.20)
      ArchitectureEither x86_64 or ia32
      PortTCP port on which the instance will run
      Instance Id(Optional) Unique identifier (per host) for the instance
    7. Select the appropriate candidate (Agent) from the candidates list for provisioning the MySQL instance.
  4. Approve the application to provision the instance:
    1. Rescan the host and look for the MySQL instance in the Pending Approval > Applications section.
    2. Select the appropriate instance and click Approve Selected to approve.

Adding a MySQL instance

  1. Choose an appropriate node from the object tree and then choose Add MySQL Instance from the Provision menu.
  2. On the Run Action page, select a Template and then click Next.
  3. On the Custom Fields page, provide the following information:
    • Step through the remainder of the Run Action wizard
    • Review your selection
    VersionMySQL version to be installed

    Available architectures:
    - ia32
    - amd64

    Instance Id(Optional) Instance unique identifier per host

    If this field is left blank, the instance ID defaults to the largest instance ID present, plus 1 (or 1 if no other instances are present)

    PortTCP port to which the instance will bind

  4. Click Execute Job.
  5. When the job is complete, the newly created MySQL instance will appear in Pending Approval > Applications.  Approve it and the instance appears in the object tree.
  6. Select a MySQL instance object from the tree to view its properties, or to start/stop, upgrade, or remove the instance.

Starting or stopping a MySQL instance

  1. Select the MySQL instance that you want to start or stop.
  2. Under the Management menu, choose Start MySQL Instance or Stop MySQL Instance.
  3. Step through the Run Action wizard (no input is required).
  4. Review your selection for the instance.
  5. Click Execute Job to start or stop the instance.

Upgrading a MySQL instance

  1. Select the MySQL instance that you want to upgrade.
  2. Under the Provision menu, choose Upgrade MySQL Instance.
  3. Step through the Run Action wizard, making sure to select a Template.
  4. On the Custom Fields page, specify the MySQL version to upgrade the instance to.
  5. Review your selection for the instance.
  6. Click Execute Job to upgrade the instance.

Removing a MySQL Instance

To remove an instance, choose Remove MySQL Instance from the Provision menu on the instance object page. Step through the Run Action wizard (no input is required), review, then click Execute Job.

  1. Select the MySQL instance that you want to remove.
  2. Under the Provision menu, choose Remove MySQL Instance.
  3. Step through the Run Action wizard (no input is required).
  4. Review your selection for the instance.
  5. Click Execute Job to remove the instance.

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