Windows steps

This class groups all steps concerned with any aspect of the Microsoft Windows operating systems.

Advanced User Profile Extraction via MigrationManager

This step allows you to extract user profiles of a device using specific filters via the MigrationManager.



MigrationManager's host name

Enter the name or IP address of the device on which the MigrationManager server is located.

Use relay

Check this box to use the relay device as the MigrationManager server.

Shared folder

Enter the name of the network share of the MigrationManager server.

Data Storage Path

Enter the name of the directory in which the profiles are stored. The name must have the format NetworkPathNameProfileDirectoryName.

Configuration File Path

Enter the name of the configuration file that specifies the profile data to save. The name must have the format NetworkPathNameConfigurationFileName.

All Users

Check this box to extract all user profiles of the device.

Exclude local users

Check this box to extract all profiles with the exception of the local profiles of this device.

Users to include

Allows you to specify the user profiles to extract. The values of this list must be separated by semi-colons (;).

Users to Exclude

Allows you to specify the user profiles that are not to be extracted. The values of this list must be separated by semi-colons (:).

Domains to exclude

Allows you to specify the domains that are to be igored during extraction. The values of this list must be separated by semi-colons (:).

Domain Name

Enter the domain name of the administrator who is to execute the extraction.

Administrator Name

Enter the name of the administrator who is to execute the extraction.

Advanced User Profile Injection via MigrationManager

This step allows you to inject user profiles into a device using specific filters via the MigrationManager



MigrationManager's host name

Enter the name or IP address of the device on which the MigrationManager server is located.

Use relay

Check this box to use the relay device as the MigrationManager server.

Shared folder

Enter the name of the network share of the MigrationManager server.

Data Storage Path

Enter the name of the directory in which the profiles are stored. The name must have the format NetworkPathNameProfileDirectoryName.

Configuration File Path

Enter the name of the configuration file that specifies the profile data to restore. The name must have the format NetworkPathNameConfigurationFileName.

Use Target File

Check this box if you want to use the target file located on the MigrationManager server. This allows you to use the profiles of a device on another device as well.

All Users

Check this box to inject all user profiles of the device.

Exclude local users

Check this box to inject all profiles with the exception of the local profiles of this device.

Users to include

Allows you to specify the user profiles to inject. The values of this list must be separated by semi-colons (;).

Users to Exclude

Allows you to specify the user profiles that are not to be injected. The values of this list must be separated by semi-colons (;).

Domains to exclude

Allows you to specify the domains that are to be ignored during injunction. The values of this list must be separated by semi-colons (;).

Domain Name

Enter the domain name of the administrator who is to execute the injunction.

Administrator Name

Enter the name of the administrator who is to execute the injunction.

Administrator Name

Enter the name of the administrator who is to execute the injunction.

Advanced Reboot

This step defines the parameters and window contents of the device reboot. This reboot may be executed immediately or be postponed by the user. If the reboot is immediate, a message box is displayed on the target device, informing the user of that the device will be rebooted after a specified number of seconds.

The logo of the message box may be customized as well. For this you only need to store the following customized images in their exact sizes in the datacoreres directory of the BCM agent: FullSized.bmp (575 x 575 pixels), MediumSized.bmp (575 x 510 pixels), SmallSized.bmp (575 x 455 pixels), RebootAfterLogOut.bmp (575 x 275 pixels).



Deferred Reboot

This box defines if the user can defer a reboot when it is requested by CM. If checked, it allows the user to postpone the reboot, if it appears at an inconvenient time. You can define how often and for how long the user can postpone the reboot in the next two boxes. If you uncheck the box, the reboot is executed as scheduled.

Timeout before auto-accept (min)

The number of minutes defines the timeframe the user has to accept or postpone the reboot in the displayed message. If the user does not react before the counter expires, the reboot proceeds as defined.

Postpone Count

Defines how often the user may decide to postpone the reboot for the below specified number of minutes.

Postpone Delay (min)

The interval in minutes that the reboot may be postponed.

Localized Title 1

To display the title in the language of the local operating system enter the localized title here in the format CodePage:title, for example, 1033:The New Customizable Title. The CodePages represents that language of the local operating system, the most common are English (UK): 2057, English (US): 1033, French: 1036, German: 1031, Portuguese (Brazil): 1046, Spanish: 1034 and Japanese: 1041.

Localized Title 2

Defines the localized title for an alternative local operating system language in the format CodePage:Title , for example, 2057:The New Customisable Title. The CodePages represents that language of the local operating system, the most common are English (UK): 2057, English (US): 1033, French: 1036, German: 1031, Portuguese (Brazil): 1046, Spanish: 1034 and Japanese: 1041.

Default Title

Enter the default title of the message box, that is displayed if the local operating system is not one of those defined below.

Localized Message 1

To display the message in the language of the local operating system enter the localized message here in the format CodePage : Message. The CodePages represents that language of the local operating system, the most common are English (UK): 2057, English (US): 1033, French: 1036, German: 1031, Portuguese (Brazil): 1046, Spanish: 1034 and Japanese: 1041.

Localized Message 2

Defines the localized message for an alternative local operating system language in the format CodePage : Message. The CodePages represents that language of the local operating system, the most common are English (UK): 2057, English (US): 1033, French: 1036, German: 1031, Portuguese (Brazil): 1046, Spanish: 1034 and Japanese: 1041.

Default Text

Enter the default message text of the message box, that is displayed if the local operating system is not one of those defined below.

Force Reboot if Client is Locked

Check this box if the reboot is to be executed even if the client is locked. Otherwise the reboot waits until the client becomes unlocked.

Advanced Registry Management

This step adds a new registry key, or to modify or delete an existing one.



Registry Key

The name of the registry key to be added, modified or deleted.

Operation to Execute

Defines which operation is to be executed in the Registry, either to add or modify ( Add/Modify ) the key specified following, to delete it ( Delete ) or to delete it with all its children ( Delete recursively ).

Value Name

The name of the value of the key to be modified or added. This field is not required for the Delete operation. If this field is left empty for a modify operation, the "(DEFAULT)" registry key is targeted.

Value Type

The value type of the registry key. It is not required for the Delete operation.

Registry Key Value

The value of the key to be modified or added. This field is not required for the Delete operation.

Binary Value in Hexadecimal Format

Check this box if the provided binary value is a hexadecimal translation.

Automated Execution of MyApps after User Login

This step automatically executes the rules assigned to specific users when they have opened a session on the device. These rules will not be executed if the assigned user is not logged on to the device. Also rules which are part of the automated kiosk MyApps will not be displayed in MyApps to which the local user has access via the agent interface.



Prefix to Filter

Any rules that have this prefix are NOT executed via MyApps. These rules appears in MyApps without their prefix. If this feature is not to be used leave this field emtpy.

Max. Interval Between Verifications (h)

Defines the interval at which the agent verifies if rules are to be executed in hours.

Automatic Authentication Parameter Modification

This step permits modifying the automatic authentication parameters at Windows startup with backup and restoration of previous parameters. This allows you to change the current automatic administrator login data to be able to log on to the device with the right administrator at the next reboot. At the same time, the parameter values of the currently logged-in user, such as domain and user name are saved and may be restored.



Domain Name

The domain of the administrator.

Administrator Name

Enter the name of the administrator login.


Enter the corresponding password. For security reasons the keyword is only displayed in the form of asterisks (*).

Restore Previous Parameters

Check this box if the above backed up settings are to be restored.

Save Current Parameters

Check this box if the currently existing automatic authentication parameters are to be backed up before being overwritten with the above defined new settings.

Create Shortcut

A shortcut creates a quick access to a specified action by passing Windows-based messages and parameters. This function allows you access to all the same functions as provided by the Windows Shortcut Designer to create a shortcut. The .lnk extension of the mandatory path parameter of this functions is optional.




Enter a descriptive text for the shortcut. This entry is used for identification purposes only and does not affect the operation of the shortcut itself.

Icon File

Defines the file which contains the icon to be displayed with the shortcut. If it contains more than one icon the requested icon may be specified via its index separated from the file name by a comma (,), for example, explorer.exe to use the icon at index 0 or explorer,3 to use the icon at index 3.


Defines any type of parameter to be taken into account when the shortcut is executed. For example you may define here the homepage to be automatically opened in browser for which you create the shortcut.

Shortcut Group Name

Defines the respective group if the shortcut is to be part of a shortcut group.

Shortcut Path

Defines the relative or full path of the shortcut file to be created. You can also use one or more environment variables to indicate the path. The variable must be enclosed in ${} . These variables might be very useful if the configurations of your clients are heterogeneous. After the shortcut path you can also add, separated with a space, additional parameters for the shortcut target. For example, when launching a browser window you can add a default web page with which the browser opens, for example, c:Program FilesInternet Exploreriexplorer.exe .

Target Path

Defines the relative or full path of the file that the shortcut points to. You may also use one or more environment variables to indicate the path. The variable must be enclosed in ${} . These variables may be very useful if the configurations of your clients are heterogeneous.

Working Directory

Defines the relative or full path of the working directory used when the target is started. By default the working directory path is the current working directory set by the shell program represented by the shortcut it starts. You may also use one or more environment variables to indicate the path. The variable must be enclosed in ${} . These variables may be very useful if the configurations of your clients are heterogeneous.

Create Shortcut as Current User

A shortcut creates a quick access to a specified action by passing Windows-based messages and parameters. This function allows you access to all the same functions as provided by the Windows Shortcut Designer to create a shortcut as the currently logged-in user. The .lnk extension of the mandatory path parameter of this functions is optional.




Enter a descriptive text for the shortcut. This entry is used for identification purposes only and does not affect the operation of the shortcut itself.

Icon File

Defines the file which contains the icon to be displayed with the shortcut. If it contains more than one icon the requested icon may be specified via its index separated from the file name by a comma (,), for example, explorer.exe to use the icon at index 0 or explorer,3 to use the icon at index 3.


Defines any type of parameter to be taken into account when the shortcut is executed. For example you may define here the homepage to be automatically opened in browser for which you create the shortcut.

Shortcut Group Name

Defines the respective group if the shortcut is to be part of a shortcut group.

Shortcut Path

Defines the relative or full path of the shortcut file to be created. You can also use one or more environment variables to indicate the path. The variable must be enclosed in ${}. These variables might be very useful if the configurations of your clients are heterogeneous. After the shortcut path you can also add, separated with a space, additional parameters for the shortcut target. For example, when launching a browser window you can add a default web page with which the browser opens, for example, c:Program FilesInternet Exploreriexplorer.exe

Target Path

Defines the relative or full path of the file that the shortcut points to. You may also use one or more environment variables to indicate the path. The variable must be enclosed in ${}. These variables may be very useful if the configurations of your clients are heterogeneous.

Working Directory

Defines the relative or full path of the working directory used when the target is started. By default the working directory path is the current working directory set by the shell program represented by the shortcut it starts. You may also use one or more environment variables to indicate the path. The variable must be enclosed in ${}. These variables may be very useful if the configurations of your clients are heterogeneous.

Delete Shortcut

This step deletes a shortcut.




Defines the relative or full path of the shortcut file to be deleted. You may also use one or more environment variables to indicate the path. The variable must be enclosed in ${}. These variables may be very useful if the configurations of your clients are heterogeneous.

Delete Shortcut Group

This step deletes a group of shortcuts.



Shortcut Group Name

Defines the relative or full path of the shortcut group to be deleted. You may also use one or more environment variables to indicate the path. The variable must be enclosed in ${}. These variables may be very useful if the configurations of your clients are heterogeneous.

Disconnect Current Windows User

This step disconnects the user that is currently logged on to Windows.

No parameters need to be defined for this step.

Group Management

This step adds, removes or modifies local user groups.




Check this box if the above defined path is to be added.


Check this box if the group defined below is to be removed or if the users listed in the field below are to be removed from the group.


This check box defines if the if the operations to be performed on the primary domain controller (PDC) of the current domain. If the box is not checked the operation is performed only on the local device. This option only applies to Windows XP Professional clients that are members of a domain. By default, server computers perform operations on the primary domain controller.

Group Name

Enter either the name of a new group to be created or the name of an existing group which is to be removed or modified.

User List (optional)

Enter the names of the users to either be added to or to be removed from the group listed in the field above. If it contains more than one name, they must be separated with a comma. Names can be local users, users on other domains, or global groups but no other local groups. If a user is from another domain, preface the user name with the domain name, for example, EnterpriseScotty. Be aware that the group to which a list of users is to be added to must already exist, because the step does not create it otherwise.

Join Computer to Domain

Joining a computer to a domain can be performed only by a member of the Administrators local group on the target computer. Note that the domain administrator can set additional requirements for joining the domain using delegation and assignment of privileges.




Enter the domain name to which you want to connect the computer.

User LoginEnter a valid user login for the domain.
User PasswordEnter the corresponding password.
Organization UnitsSelect the organization unit for your domain.
RebootSelect this check box if you want to reboot the device after connecting it to the workgroup.

Join Computer to a Workgroup




User LoginEnter a valid user login for this workgroup.
User PasswordEnter the corresponding password.
RebootSelect this check box if you want to reboot the device after connecting it to the workgroup.

Logged User

This step verifies which user(s) is/are currently logged on to the device and stores this information in the .xml file for further use, such as updating the custom inventory. The step collects the login name and the date and time at which the user was found to be logged on. At the next verification, the date and time value will be updated if the user is still connected. If a user is no longer connected at the next verification, the entry will not be erased, it will be left as it is, that is, with the timestamp of the last verification.

No parameters need to be defined for this step.

Main Device User

This step verifies the name of the user which is most often logged on to the device the step is assigned to and then inserts an entry into the custom inventory regarding this user.



All User History

Check this box to upload the complete history of all users ever connected to this device. If this box remains unchecked the information is uploaded only for the user most often connected to the device.

Maximum User Login Count (History)

Specified the number of logins which are stored in memory to verify which is the user logged on most often. When the number is reached, the oldest login is dropped to add the newest.

Modify PATH System Variable

This step modifies an entry in the PATH system variable, that is, either adding a new entry or removing an existing entry.




Check this box if the above defined path is to be added.


Enter into this field the full path to be added or the existing one to be removed, for example, C:WindowsSystem32.


Check this box if the above defined path is to be removed.

Modify Shortcut

This step modifies any parameter of an existing shortcut. The .lnk extension of the mandatory path parameter of this functions is optional.




Enter a descriptive text for the shortcut. This entry is used for identification purposes only and does not affect the operation of the shortcut itself.

Icon File

Defines the file which contains the icon to be displayed with the shortcut. If it contains more than one icon the requested icon may be specified via its index separated from the file name by a comma (,), for example, explorer.exe to use the icon at index 0 or explorer,3 to use the icon at index 3.


Defines any type of parameter to be taken into account when the shortcut is executed. For example you may define here the homepage to be automatically opened in browser for which you create the shortcut.

Shortcut Group Name

If the shortcut is to be part of a shortcut group this field defines the respective group. This parameter is optional.

Shortcut Path

Defines the relative or full path of the shortcut file to be created. You can also use one or more environment variables to indicate the path. The variable must be enclosed in ${} . These variables might be very useful if the configurations of your clients are heterogeneous. After the shortcut path you can also add, separated with a space, additional parameters for the shortcut target. For example, when launching a browser window you can add a default web page with which the browser opens, for example, c:Program FilesInternet Exploreriexplorer.exe

Target Path

Defines the relative or full path of the file that the shortcut points to. You may also use one or more environment variables to indicate the path. The variable must be enclosed in ${}. These variables may be very useful if the configurations of your clients are heterogeneous.

Working Directory

Defines the relative or full path of the working directory used when the target is started. By default the working directory path is the current working directory set by the shell program represented by the shortcut it starts. You may also use one or more environment variables to indicate the path. The variable must be enclosed in ${}. These variables may be very useful if the configurations of your clients are heterogeneous.

Modify Shortcut as Current User

This step modifies an existing shortcut as the currently logged-in user. The .lnk extension of the mandatory path parameter of this function is optional.




Enter a descriptive text for the shortcut. This entry is used for identification purposes only and does not affect the operation of the shortcut itself.

Icon File

Defines the file which contains the icon to be displayed with the shortcut. If it contains more than one icon the requested icon may be specified via its index separated from the file name by a comma (,), for example, explorer.exe to use the icon at index 0 or explorer,3 to use the icon at index 3.


Defines any type of parameter to be taken into account when the shortcut is executed. For example you may define here the homepage to be automatically opened in browser for which you create the shortcut.

Shortcut Group Name

If the shortcut is to be part of a shortcut group this field defines the respective group. This parameter is optional.

Shortcut Path

Defines the relative or full path of the shortcut file to be created. You can also use one or more environment variables to indicate the path. The variable must be enclosed in ${}. These variables might be very useful if the configurations of your clients are heterogeneous. After the shortcut path you can also add, separated with a space, additional parameters for the shortcut target. For example, when launching a browser window you can add a default web page with which the browser opens, for example, c:Program FilesInternet Exploreriexplorer.exe

Target Path

Defines the relative or full path of the file that the shortcut points to. You may also use one or more environment variables to indicate the path. The variable must be enclosed in ${}. These variables may be very useful if the configurations of your clients are heterogeneous.

Working Directory

Defines the relative or full path of the working directory used when the target is started. By default the working directory path is the current working directory set by the shell program represented by the shortcut it starts. You may also use one or more environment variables to indicate the path. The variable must be enclosed in ${}. These variables may be very useful if the configurations of your clients are heterogeneous.

Mount Network Drive

This step allows mounting a network drive with a LocalSystem account. The drive will be created with the SYSTEM account and its permissions. Sometimes the drive may appear to be disconnected in Windows Explorer; however, it is accessible. The visibility of the drive in the Windows Explorer depends on the rights of the connected user.



User Domain

Enter the name of the user domain.

Add Access Rights to the Privacy List

Check this box if the access rights to this share are to be added to the Privacy settings of the local agent.

Destination Share

Enter the name of the share to mount.

Drive Letter

Enter the letter that is to be attributed to the mounted drive.


Check this box if the drive is to be mounted at every startup. If this option is not checked it is only mounted once after the execution of the step.

Name of the Share Device

Enter the name of the device on which the shared drive is located.

User Login

Enter a valid user login for this domain.

User Password

Enter the corresponding password. For security reasons the keyword is only displayed in the form of asterisks (*).

Mount Network Drive as Current User

This step allows mounting a network drive as the currently logged-in user.



Destination Share

Enter the name of the share to mount.

Drive Letter

Enter the letter that is to be attributed to the mounted drive.

Name of the Share Device

Enter the name of the device on which the shared drive is located.

Registry Key Verification

This step checks for the presence of a specific registry key and verifies if a value name exists and if yes, checks the key value.



Registry Key to Check

The name of the registry key of which you are not sure it exists.

Value Name

The name of the key value that is to be found. This field is optional.

Registry Key Value

The value of the registry key which is verified by the agent. This field is mandatory if a Value Name is provided in the field above. It may remain empty if the value you are looking for is actually empty, otherwise the key will not be found. Depending on the type the following conditions apply:

  • REG_MULT_SZ: In this case only the first line of the value is verified.
  • REG_DWORD: If the value is of type DWORD, the value must mandatorily be entered in hexadecimal format exactly as shown in the registry, including the "0x" and leading zeros.
  • REG_BINARY: If the value is of type BINARY, the value must be entered in its translated value NOT as its hexadecimal value. If, however, the corresponding box is checked, it must be entered as its hexadecimal value after all, for example CCAA015A33.

Binary Key in Hexadecimal Notation

Check this box if the value is a binary key that is expressed in hexadecimal notation.

Registry Management

This step adds a new registry key, or to modify or delete an existing one.



Registry Key

The name of the registry key to be added, modified or deleted.

Operation to Execute

Defines which operation is to be executed in the Registry, either to add or modify (Add/Modify) the key specified following or to delete it (Delete).

Value Name

The name of the value of the key to be modified or added. This field is not required for the Delete operation. If this field is left empty for a modify operation, the (DEFAULT) registry key is targeted.

Value Type

The value type of the registry key. It is not required for the Delete operation.

Registry Key Value

The value of the key to be modified or added. This field is mandatory if a Value Name is provided in the field above. It may remain empty if the value you are looking for is actually empty, otherwise the key will not be found. Depending on the type the following conditions apply:

  • REG_MULT_SZ: In this case only the first line of the value is verified.
  • REG_DWORD: If the value is of type DWORD, the value must mandatorily be entered in hexadecimal format exactly as shown in the registry, including the "0x" and leading zeros.
  • REG_BINARY: If the value is of type BINARY, the value must be entered in its translated value NOT as its hexadecimal value. This field is not required for the Delete operation.

Binary Value in Hexadecimal Format

Check this box if the provided binary value is a hexadecimal translation.

Restore Windows Data and Profile

You must run this step on Windows XP from an account with administrative credentials, or some operating system settings may not migrate - for example, wallpaper settings, screen saver selections, modem options, media player settings, and Remote Access Service (RAS) connection phone book(.pbk) files and settings. For this reason, we recommend that you run it using an account with administrative credentials.

When running this step on Windows Vista, you need to run it in “Administrator” mode from an account with administrative credentials to ensure that all specified users are migrated. This is because User Access Control (UAC) is turned on in Windows Vista. If you do not run the step in “Administrator” mode, only the user profile that is logged on will be included in the migration.

The following operating systems are supported:n- Windows XPn- Windows Vistan- Windows 2008

Start the Microsoft loadstate.exe file to migrate the files and settings from the store created by scanstate.exe launched by the Save Windows Data and Profile step, to the destination computer.

LoadState migrates each file (one by one) from the store to a temporary location on the destination computer. The files are decompressed (and decrypted if necessary) during this process. Next, loadstate transfers the file to the correct location, deletes the temporary copy, and begins migrating the next file.



Absolute Path

Defines if the path entered in the above Backup Source Path field is to be taken as an absolute path. This might be useful, if a backup of another client is to be used for restoring.

Administrator Name

Enter a valid login name to the backup device into this field, with which the operational rule is to log on to the device.


Enter the corresponding password. For security reasons the keyword is only displayed in the form of asterisks (*).

All Users

Checking this option migrates all of the users on the computer.

XML Configuration File Path

Specifies the Config.xml file that the process should use to recuperate the store. The path must be a full path.

Continue on Error

If activated, the process continues to run even if there are nonfatal errors. Without this option, LoadState exits on the first error. When you specify this option, any files or settings that cause an error and are ignored is logged on the progress log. In addition, if a file is open or in use by an application, USMT is not able to migrate the file and logs an error.

Additional Customized XML File Path

Specifies an .xml file that contains rules that define what state to migrate. The path must be a full path.

Decryption Key

Decrypts the store data with the specified key (password). With this option, you need to specify the decryption key.

Users to Exclude

Excludes the specified user(s) from the migration. You can specify multiple users separated by semi-colons (;). Domain name and user name can contain the asterisk (*) wildcard character with the format DomainNameUserName .

Local User Restoration

Checking this box activates local account creation and enabling. If the account being migrated is local (a non-domain account), and the account does not exist, then this option enables USMT to create a new local account. If you are migrating local accounts (as opposed to domain accounts), settings are not migrated unless you check this option.

Migrate Application Data

Defines if the contents of the Migapp.inf are to be taken into account. This configuration file controls which application settings are migrated. The file contains a list of standard applications, such as Adobe Applications (Acrobat, Photoshop), Eudora, all Microsoft Office Applications, Lotus Applications, etc.

Migrate System Data

Defines if the contents of the Migsys.inf are to be taken into account. This configuration file controls which operating system and browser settings are migrated. It includes amongst others the following options: Accessibility Options, Display Properties, Folder Options Fonts, Internet Settings, Internet Security Settings, Localization / International Settings, Mouse and Keyboard, etc.

Migrate User Data

Defines if the contents of the Miguser.inf are to be taken into account. This configuration file controls which user file types and desktop settings are migrated. The components in this file include amongst others: Desktop, Favorites, My Pictures, My Documents, Shared Documents, Start Menu Items, etc.

Former Domain or Local Device Name

Specifies the old domain of the user(s). It may contain the asterisk (*) wildcard character. If you specify an old domain that did not exist on the source computer, LoadState appears to complete successfully (without an error or warning). However, in this case, users are not moved to the new domain but remain in their original domain. For example, if you miss-spell domain1 and you specify domai1 , the users remain in domain1 on the destination computer.

Target Domain Name

Specifies a new domain for the user(s). You should use this option to change the domain for users on a computer or to migrate a local user to a domain account.

No Compression

Indicates that the stored data is not compressed. You should only use this option in testing environments because we recommend that you use a compressed store during your actual migration. This option cannot be used in with the Decryption option.

Only Local User

Migrates only the specified users. You can specify multiple users in form of a semi-colon separated list. This option is helpful when there are multiple users on the source computer who are all getting their own computer.

Create Log File

Defines if a log file is to be created. It is located in the directory of the Mig file.

Backup Location

Enter the name of the device on which the backup is stored. If the backup device is the relay leave the field empty.

Backup Source Path

Enter the path to the backup location on the backup device, for example, C:backupscotty for an absolute path to be used, or C:backup for a root backup path.

Backup Located on Relay

Check this box if the backup is stored on the relay. In this case do not provide a name in the field above, otherwise there is conflicts.

USMT Installation Path

Specifies the location of the loadstate.exe file which restores the backed up data and profiles.

Restore Windows Data and Profile (USMT 4)

You should log off after you run LoadState. Some settings (for example, fonts, wallpaper, and screensaver settings) will not take effect until the next time the user logs in.

When running this step on Windows Vista, you need to run it in “Administrator” mode from an account with administrative credentials to ensure that all specified users are migrated. This is because User Access Control (UAC) is turned on in Windows Vista. If you do not run the step in “Administrator” mode, only the user profile that is logged on will be included in the migration.

The following operating systems are supported:n- Windows Vistan- Windows 7

Start the Microsoft loadstate.exe file to migrate the files and settings from the store created by scanstate.exe (launched by the Save Windows Data and Profile step) to the destination computer.

LoadState migrates each file (one by one) from the store to a temporary location on the destination computer - the files are decompressed (and decrypted if necessary) during this process. Next, loadState transfers the file to the correct location, deletes the temporary copy, and begins migrating the next file.



Absolute Path

Defines if the path entered in the above Backup Source Path field is to be taken as an absolute path. This might be useful, if a backup of another client is to be used for restoring.

Administrator Name

Enter a valid login name to the backup device into this field, with which the operational rule is to log on to the device.


Enter the corresponding password. For security reasons the keyword is only displayed in the form of asterisks (*).

All Users

Checking this option migrates all of the users on the computer.

XML Configuration File Path

Specifies the Config.xml file that the process should use to recuperate the store. The path must be a full path.

Continue on Error

If activated, the process continues to run even if there are nonfatal errors. Without this option, LoadState exits on the first error. When you specify this option, any files or settings that cause an error and are ignored is logged on the progress log. In addition, if a file is open or in use by an application, USMT is not able to migrate the file and logs an error.

Additional Customized XML File Path

Specifies an .xml file that contains rules that define what state to migrate. The path must be a full path.

Decryption Key

Decrypts the store data with the specified key (password). With this option, you need to specify the decryption key.

Users to Exclude

Excludes the specified user(s) from the migration. You can specify multiple users separated by semi-colons (;). Domain name and user name can contain the asterisk (*) wildcard character with the format DomainNameUserName .

Local User Restoration

Check this box to enable local account creation and enabling. If the account being migrated is local (a non-domain account), and the account does not exist, then this option enables USMT to create a new local account. If you are migrating local accounts (as opposed to domain accounts), settings are not migrated unless you check this option.

Migrate Application Data

Defines if the contents of the MigApp.xml are to be taken into account. This configuration file controls which application settings are migrated. The file contains a list of standard applications, such as Adobe Applications (Acrobat, Photoshop), Eudora, all Microsoft Office Applications, Lotus Applications, etc.

Migrate Documents

Defines if the contents of the MigDocs.xml are to be taken into account. This file controls which personal documents/files are migrated.

Migrate User Data

Defines if the contents of the MigUser.xml are to be taken into account. This configuration file controls which user file types and desktop settings are migrated. The components in this file include amongst others: Desktop, Favorites, My Pictures, My Documents, Shared Documents, Start Menu Items, etc.

Former Domain or Local Device Name

Specifies the old domain of the user(s). It may contain the asterisk (*) wildcard character. If you specify an old domain that did not exist on the source computer, LoadState appears to complete successfully (without an error or warning). However, in this case, users are not moved to the new domain but remain in their original domain. For example, if you miss-spell domain1 and you specify domai1 , the users remain in domain1 on the destination computer.

Target Domain Name

Specifies a new domain for the user(s). You should use this option to change the domain for users on a computer or to migrate a local user to a domain account.

No Compression

Indicates that the stored data is not compressed. You should only use this option in testing environments because we recommend that you use a compressed store during your actual migration. This option cannot be used in with the Decryption option.

Only Local User

Migrates only the specified users. You can specify multiple users in form of a semi-colon separated list. This option is helpful when there are multiple users on the source computer who are all getting their own computer.

Create Log File

Defines if a log file is to be created. It is located in the directory of the Mig file.

Backup Location

Enter the name of the device on which the backup is stored. If the backup device is the relay leave the field empty.

Backup Source Path

Enter the path to the backup location on the backup device, for example, C:backupscotty for an absolute path to be used, or C:backup for a root backup path.

Backup Located on Relay

Check this box if the backup is stored on the relay. In this case do not provide a name in the field above, otherwise there is conflicts.

USMT Installation Path

Specifies the location of the loadstate.exe file which restores the backed up data and profiles.

Save Windows Data and Profile

You must run this step on Windows XP from an account with administrative credentials, or some operating system settings may not migrate - for example, wallpaper settings, screen saver selections, modem options, media player settings, and Remote Access Service (RAS) connection phone book(.pbk) files and settings. For this reason, we recommend that you run it from within an account with administrative credentials.

When running this step on Windows Vista, you need to run it in “Administrator” mode from an account with administrative credentials to ensure that all specified users are migrated. This is because User Access Control (UAC) is turned on in Windows Vista. If you do not run the step in “Administrator” mode, only the user profile that is logged on will be included in the migration.

This step starts the Microsoft scanstate.exe file that creates an intermediate store that contains the user files and settings from the source computer.

The loadstate.exe file, launched by the Restore Windows Data and Profile step, then restores these files and settings to the destination computer. Scanstate does not modify the source computer. By default, scanstate compresses the files and stores them as an image file (USMT3.MIG).

The following operating systems are supported:n- Windows XPn- Windows Vistan- Windows 2008



Administrator Name

Enter a valid login name to the backup device into this field, with which the operational rule logs on to the device.


Enter the corresponding password. For security reasons the keyword is only displayed in the form of asterisks (*).

All Users

Checking this option migrates all of the users on the computer.

Data Compression

Enables compression of data and saves the files to a hidden folder named File at StorePathUSMT3. This option cannot be used in combination with the encryption option below.

XML Configuration File Path

Specifies the Config.xml file that the process should use to recuperate the store. The path must be a full path.

Continue on Error

If activated, the process continues to run even if there are nonfatal errors. Without this option, ScanState exits on the first error. When you specify this option, any files or settings that cause an error and are ignored is logged on the progress log. In addition, if a file is open or in use by an application, USMT may not be able to migrate the file and logs an error.

Additional Customized XML File Path

Specifies an .xml file that contains rules that define what state to migrate. The path must be a full path.

Destination Host Name

Enter the name of the host on which the backup is stored. If the destination host is the relay leave the field empty.

Backup on Relay

Check this box if the backup is to stored on the relay. In this case do not provide a name in the field above, otherwise there is conflicts.

Shared Target Folder

Indicates a folder where to save the files and settings

Encryption Key

Encrypts the data to store with the specified key (password). With this option, you need to specify the encryption key. We recommend that encryption key be at least 8 characters long, but it cannot exceed 256 characters. This option cannot be used in combination with the Data Compression parameter above.

Users to Exclude

Excludes the specified user(s) from the migration. You can specify multiple users separated by semi-colons (;). Domain name and user name can contain the asterisk (*) wildcard character, for example, DomainNameUserName .

Only Local Directories

Specifies that only files that are stored on the local computer is migrated, regardless of the rules in the .inf files. You should use this option when network drives are mapped on the source computer and is mapped again in the same way on the destination computer (for example, if you map drives using login scripts). If this box is not checked, then Scanstate copies files from network drives into the store.

Migrate Application Data

This check box defines if the contents of the Migapp.inf are to be taken into account. This configuration file controls which application settings are migrated. The file contains a list of standard applications, such as Adobe Applications (Acrobat, Photoshop), Eudora, all Microsoft Office Applications, Lotus Applications, etc.

Migrate System Data

Defines if the contents of the Migsys.inf are to be taken into account. This configuration file controls which operating system and browser settings are migrated. It includes amongst others the following options: Accessibility Options, Display Properties, Folder Options Fonts, Internet Settings, Internet Security Settings, Localization / International Settings, Mouse and Keyboard, etc.

Migrate User Data

Defines if the contents of the Miguser.inf are to be taken into account. This configuration file controls which user file types and desktop settings are migrated. The components in this file include amongst others: Desktop, Favorites, My Pictures, My Documents, Shared Documents, Start Menu Items, etc.

Only Local User

Migrates only the specified users and/or domains. Enter the desired user into the field. You can specify multiple users through a semi-colon separated list. If you have checked the All Users option above, any values entered in this field is ignored.


Overwrites any existing data in the store. If not specified, Scanstate fails if the store already contains data.

Create Log File

Defines if a log file is to be created. It is located in the directory of the Mig file.

USMT Installation Path

Specifies the location of the scanstate.exe file which launches the data and profile backup.

Windows XP Target

Optimizes ScanState when the destination computer is running Windows XP. You should use this option as this optimizes ScanState because the store only contains components that pertain to Windows XP. This shortens the amount of time that ScanState takes.

Save Windows Data and Profile (USMT 4)

You must run this step on Windows XP Pro from an account with administrative credentials, or some operating system settings may not migrate - for example, wallpaper settings, screen saver selections, modem options, media player settings, and Remote Access Service (RAS) connection phone book(.pbk) files and settings. For this reason, we recommend that you run it from within an account with administrative credentials.

When running this step on Windows Vista, you need to run it in “Administrator” mode from an account with administrative credentials to ensure that all specified users are migrated. This is because User Access Control (UAC) is turned on in Windows Vista. If you do not run the step in “Administrator” mode, only the user profile that is logged on will be included in the migration.

This step starts the Microsoft scanstate.exe file that creates an intermediate store that contains the user files and settings from the source computer.

The following operating systems are supported:n- Windows XP Pron- Windows Vistan- Windows 7

The loadstate.exe file, launched by the Restore Windows Data and Profile step, restores these files and settings to the destination computer. Scanstate does not modify the source computer. By default, scanstate compresses the files and stores them as an image file (USMT3.MIG).



Administrator Name

Enter a valid login name to the backup device into this field, with which the operational rule logs on to the device.


Enter the corresponding password. For security reasons the keyword is only displayed in the form of asterisks (*).

All Users

Checking this option migrates all of the users on the computer.

Data Compression

Enables compression of data and saves the files to a hidden folder named File at StorePathUSMT. This option cannot be used in combination with the encryption option below.

XML Configuration File Path

Specifies the Config.xml file that the process should use to recuperate the store. The path must be a full path.

Continue on Error

If activated, the process continues to run even if there are nonfatal errors. Without this option, ScanState exits on the first error. When you specify this option, any files or settings that cause an error and are ignored is logged on the progress log. In addition, if a file is open or in use by an application, USMT may not be able to migrate the file and logs an error.

Additional Customized XML File Path

Specifies an .xml file that contains rules that define what state to migrate. The path must be a full path.

Destination Host Name

Enter the name of the host on which the backup is stored. If the destination host is the relay leave the field empty.

Backup on Relay

Check this box if the backup is to stored on the relay. In this case do not provide a name in the field above, otherwise there is conflicts.

Shared Target Folder

Indicates a folder where to save the files and settings.

Encryption Key

Encrypts the data to store with the specified key (password). With this option, you need to specify the encryption key. We recommend that encryption key be at least 8 characters long, but it cannot exceed 256 characters. This option cannot be used in combination with the Data Compression parameter above.

Users to Exclude

Excludes the specified user(s) from the migration. You can specify multiple users separated by semi-colons (;). Domain name and user name can contain the asterisk (*) wildcard character, for example, DomainNameUserName .

Only Local Directories

Specifies that only files that are stored on the local computer is migrated, regardless of the rules in the .inf files. You should use this option when network drives are mapped on the source computer and is mapped again in the same way on the destination computer (for example, if you map drives using login scripts). If this box is not checked, then Scanstate copies files from network drives into the store.

Migrate Application Data

This check box defines if the contents of the MigApp.xml are to be taken into account. This configuration file controls which application settings are migrated. The file contains a list of standard applications, such as Adobe Applications (Acrobat, Photoshop), Eudora, all Microsoft Office Applications, Lotus Applications, etc.

Migrate Documents

Defines if the contents of the MigDocs.xml are to be taken into account. This file controls which personal documents/files are migrated.

Migrate User Data

Defines if the contents of the MigUser.xml are to be taken into account. This configuration file controls which user file types and desktop settings are migrated. The components in this file include amongst others: Desktop, Favorites, My Pictures, My Documents, Shared Documents, Start Menu Items, etc.

Only Local User

Migrates only the specified users and/or domains. Enter the desired user into the field. You can specify multiple users through a semi-colon separated list. If you have checked the All Users option above, any values entered in this field is ignored.


Overwrites any existing data in the store. If not specified, Scanstate fails if the store already contains data.

Create Log File

Defines if a log file is to be created. It is located in the directory of the Mig file.

USMT Installation Path

Specifies the location of the scanstate.exe file which launches the data and profile backup.

Windows XP Target

Optimizes ScanState when the destination computer is running Windows XP. You should use this option as this optimizes ScanState because the store only contains components that pertain to Windows XP. This shortens the amount of time that ScanState takes.

Service Management

This step manages the Windows services, that is, it verifies the current running status of an installed service and then may start/restart/stop the service or change the default start type.



Action to execute

Select in this box the action to be executed on the specified service.:

  • Start if Stopped: to start the Windows service if it is currently stopped,
  • Stop if Started: to terminate the Windows service if it is currently running,
  • Restart: to restart the currently running service,
  • None: Execute no action. This option must be selected if the start type is to be modified.

Service Name (Windows only)

Defines the name of the service to be managed.

Start Type

If the option was chosen in the field above you must select the new default start type for the specified service. The possible options and their behavior are the same as in Windows.

Send an alert

Check this box to send an alert.

Alert Description

Description of the alert to be sent. The values within the parenthesis are data that is replaced during execution. The description can contain environment variables (${}).

Alert Severity

Select the severity to be assigned to the alert.

Alert Sub-category

Enter the sub-category to which the alert is to be added. Be aware that this sub-category name may not have more that 64 characters.

Sharing Windows Folders

This step allows you to create and delete network shares. The shares are created with full access rights.



Share Name

Enter the name of the share.

Directory Path

Enter the path to the share to be created or deleted, for example: C:Temp.


Define if a share is to be created or deleted by selecting the respective option in the drop-down field.

Uninstall MSI Package

This step uninstalls a software that was installed via an MSI package.



MSI Application Product Name or Code

Enter the name or the product code of the application to uninstall in this field. This must be the exact value as it can be found in the software inventory for the product name or the Uninstall string key of the Registry.

Wait for End of Execution

Check this parameter if the step is to wait for the end of the operation before declaring its execution terminated.

Unmount Network Drive

This step allows unmounting a network drive with a LocalSystem account.



Delete Access Rights of the Privacy List

Check this box if the access rights to this share are to be removed from the privacy settings of the local agent.

Drive Letter

Enter the letter of the share to be unmounted.

Unmount Network Drive as Current User

This step allows you to unmount a network drive as the currently logged-in user.



Drive Letter

Enter the letter of the share to be unmounted.

User Management

This step permits adding, removing or modifying user profiles.



Enable User

Activates or deactivates the user account. If the account is not active the user cannot have access to the server.


Check this box if the user listed below is to be added to the list of local accounts.

User Password Authorisation

Defines if the user can modify his password.


Check this box if the user account listed below is to be removed from the local client.


This check box defines if the if the operations to be performed on the primary domain controller (PDC) of the current domain. If the box is not checked the operation is performed only on the local device. This option only applies to Windows XP Professional clients that are members of a domain. By default, server computers perform operations on the primary domain controller.

User Root Directory

Defines the path to the user's home directory. This entry is mandatory and the path entered must already exist, otherwise the account cannot be created.

Change password at next logonSelect this check box if you enforce the user to change password after the first login.
Password never expiresSelect this check box if you do not want the password to expire.

Password Needed

Defines whether the user account must have a password.

User Profile Path

Sets a path for the user's login profile.

Login Script Path

Enter the location of the user's login script in this field.

User Name

The name of the user account to be added, deleted or modified. The name may have no more that 20 characters.

User Password

Enter the corresponding password. For security reasons the keyword is only displayed in the form of asterisks (*).

User Profile Extraction via MigrationManager

This step alllows you to extract user profiles of a device using the MigrationManager



MigrationManager's host name

Enter the name or IP address of the device on which the MigrationManager server is located.

Use relay

Check this box to use the relay device as the MigrationManager server.

Shared folder

Enter the name of the network share of the MigrationManager server.

Data Storage Path

Enter the name of the directory in which the profiles are stored. The name must have the format NetworkPathNameProfileDirectoryName

Configuration File Path

Enter the name of the configuration file that specifies the profile data to save. The name must have the format NetworkPathNameConfigurationFileName.

Domain Name

Enter the domain name of the administrator who is to execute the extraction.

Administrator Name

Enter the name of the administrator who is to execute the extraction.

Administrator Name

Enter the name of the administrator who is to execute the extraction.

User Profile Injection via MigrationManager

This step alllows you to inject user profiles into a device using the MigrationManager



MigrationManager's host name

Enter the name or IP address of the device on which the MigrationManager server is located.

Use relay

Check this box to use the relay device as the MigrationManager server.

Shared folder

Enter the name of the network share of the MigrationManager server.

Data Storage Path

Enter the name of the directory in which the profiles are stored. The name must have the format NetworkPathNameProfileDirectoryName.

Configuration File Path

Enter the name of the configuration file that specifies the profile data to restore. The name must have the format NetworkPathNameConfigurationFileName.

Use Target File

Check this box if you want to use the target file located on the MigrationManager server. This allows you to use the profiles of a device on another device as well.

Domain Name

Enter the domain name of the administrator who is to execute the injunction.

Administrator Name

Enter the name of the administrator who is to execute the injunction.

Administrator Name

Enter the name of the administrator who is to execute the injunction.

Windows Session Status Verification

This step allows you to verify if the Windows session is open on the target.

No parameters need to be defined for this step.

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