Agent installation options on Linux

To install the agent on Linux systems, you have the following options:




Specifies if a installed earlier version of the agent is to be uninstalled before the new one is installed. If this option is set to no or not defined and a previous agent is installed the installation terminates.


Accepts or refuses the BMC license. If it is refused the installation terminates.


Allows to use all the default values without disturbing the user at installation time. You can override some default values by entering them in the command line. If you do not specify the SILENT option in the command line, the install procedure requires you to provide all parameters by answering questions.


Defines where the configuration information of the installed console is stored. The following values are possible:

  • ALLUSERS="" : Determines a per-user installation using folders in the user's personal profile. For this option no administrator rights are required.
  • ALLUSERS=1 : Specifies a per-device installation using folders in the "All Users" profile. Administrator rights are required for this option.
  • ALLUSERS=2 : Offers two possibilities:
    • Specifies a per-device installation using folders in the "All Users" profile if the installation is launched by a user with administrator rights.
    • Determines a per-user installation using folders in the user's personal profile if the installation is launched by a user with only user rights.


Defines the installation directory of the agent. If the optional command is not provided the default directory /usr/local/bmc-software/client-management/client is used.


Defines if the agent to be installed acts also as a relay: Yes for relay and No for simple client.


Defines the direct parent of the client with which it communicates.


Defines the HTTP port of the agent through which it communicates; the default value is 1610.


Defines the port number of the direct parent to which the agent must connect; the default value is 1610 .


Defines if the agent communications is secured via SSL, the following values are possible:

  • No - With this option the agent accepts both securized and non-securized communication, however it sends only non-securized communications.
  • Receive Both, Securised Send - This value indicates that the agent accepts both securized and non-securized communication, however it sends only securized communications.
  • Yes - When this option is selected the agent only communicates in secure mode, that is, it only receives and sends securized communication.


    If you selected Yes (1 or 2) for the master installation, ensure that you also activate the SSL option for the relay/client.


Provides you the possibility to define if the agent is started directly after the installation finished. By default the agent is started. Possible values are Yes and No .

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