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Setting the Wake on LAN module parameters

The (WakeOnLan) module enables you to remotely power-on managed devices using wake-up packets. The managed devices require a LAN adapter that can activate the Wake On LAN function on supported motherboards.


Default Value


Local Wake-up Mechanism


When enabled, the module checks whether the target and itself is part of a common subnet. In that case, the wake up is performed by the module itself using the subnet broadcast address.

List of Wake Up Devices

Defines a comma separated list of devices selected for the wake up process. In this case, the registered devices are used as static proxies and the module respects the list order (from left to right). There is no deep check concerning the wake up devices such as IP address and network mask.

Automatic Wake-up Mechanism


Agents have the capability to monitor the data flow and remember the list of devices for which they are the direct relay. Therefore, modules are able to look up possible devices that share a common subnet with another device to wake up. This option enables the capability to look up this dynamic knowledge base and detect the list of possible wake up devices. This is the dynamic version of the previous option.

Fallback Wake-up Mechanism


This fallback parameter allows trying a last wake-up mechanism. It is often used when none of the previous mechanisms have succeeded, or if some of them were disabled. The aim is to proceed to the wake-up using a blind method. When set to Unicast the module tries a simple host directed unicast wake-up (a simple UDP packet sent to the exact destination address). When set to Broadcast, the module tries a subnet-directed broadcast (a simple UDP packet sent to the entire network). When set to DirectBroadcast, the module tries a direct broadcast considering the target network address. When set to None, the fallback mechanism is disabled.

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