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The multicast server node of a project

A node exists for each OSD Server that executes multicast sessions of the project. It provides the following information in its dashboard:



Multicast Session Breakdown

This table displays information relative to the multicast session status situation.


The number of project sessions that are either planned, executing or finished their execution within this project.


The session is executing.


The session is waiting for the previous one to terminate to be able to start executing.


The previous session terminated and the new session is starting its execution.

The following table provides some more detailed information:




The automatically generated user friendly name of the multicast session.

Project Name

The name of the project for which this session is executed.


The IP address of the OSD server or its local interface on which the multicast is transferring on.

Start Mode

Defines the start condition for a transfer. The following values are available:

  • None (clear both check boxes): No automatic start. The transfer can only be started manually through the Start button.
  • After (Min.): The transfer automatically starts after the defined number of minutes after the connection of the first target to the server is established.
  • Registered Targets: The transfer automatically starts once the defined number of targets are connected to the server.
  • Both conditions: The transfer automatically starts when either the defined number of machines are connected or the defined number of minutes after the first targets connected to the server are reached, whichever comes first.

Maximum Speed (Mbps)

Defines the maximum speed network allowed in megabit per second (Mbps). The default value is 0 , which means the speed is adapted according to the conditions. The speed is re-estimated on a regular basis or if packets start to fail. You may adjust this parameter during a transfer.

Overall Progress (%)

The overall progress expressed as a percentage of the multicast sessions that are currently executing or already executed for this project on this server.


The current status of the multicast transfer, which is typically one of the following: Waiting, Pending, Starting or Running.

This section includes the following topics:

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