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Setting the Software module parameters

The Software Inventory (SoftwareInventory) module provides the administrator with an inventory of all software packages installed on a specific device. By default, when the agent is installed, the software module is configured to be loaded at start time. This module is quite flexible and may be extended by the administrator as required.


Default Value


Translation File


Defines the .xml format file used to post process the inventory data. The path to the file may be entered as a local path or as a URL such as _



Scan Add/Remove Programs


Defines if registry entries for the Add/Remove Programs are to be scanned and added for the software inventory update.

Scan MSI Database


Defines if the MSI Windows database is to be scanned for the software inventory update.

Excluded Directories


Defines a comma separated list of directories to exclude during the scan for inventory. The entry is not case sensitive and may use the ? and wildcard characters, for example, *WINNT,AVG?.VAULT , Documents and Settings . The supplied list is removed from the scan list which itself is either specified in the Included Directories field or is automatically set to all the fixed disks. When excluding a directory from the scan, all of its sub-directories are excluded as well.

Included Directories

Defines a comma separated list of directories which are to be scanned for inventory. If nothing is supplied, the default behaviour is to scan the contents of all fixed drives. If anything is supplied, only the directories specified and their children are scanned.

File Extensions to Scan


Defines the file types by their extension, which are included in the software directory scan.

Scan Hidden Files


Defines if files marked as hidden on the system are included in the file scan.

Scan Hidden Directories


Specifies if directories marked as hidden on the system are included in the directory scan.

Upload on Startup


Defines if the inventory is uploaded to the master after being updated the first time on agent startup. It is recommended to activate this option to ensure that the inventory is updated at least at every startup of the agent. If it is deactivated a regular update and upload of the inventory must be configured through operational rules.

Upload Interval (sec)


Defines the upload period for the inventory in seconds. If it is set to 0, no uploads are configured by the module, but they can still be managed through operational rules. The setting only configures the upload of existing data, it does not include an update of the inventory.

Update Interval (sec)


Defines the update period in seconds for inventory scans on the remote devices.

Differential Upload


Specifies if the inventory is to be completely replaced which each upload when differences are detected or only the delta, that is, the modifications of the inventory. If the inventory template is changed the next inventory will always be a complete inventory, even if this option is activated.

Minimum Gap Between Two Uploads (sec)


Defines the minimum time interval between inventory uploads in seconds. If the value is set to 0 this option is deactivated and there is no minimum interval.

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