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Scheduling the rollout at a specific date and time

In the Core Setup Configuration window, ensure that the Configure a custom schedule for this rollout (default is one immediate execution) box is selected. Then, after the Targets & Accounts window, the Schedule window appears.

  1. Select the Validity tab.
  2. Define in the Execution Date box at what moment the rollout is to be launched for the first time (for example, at the next device startup).
  3. Define in the Termination box when the rollout is to be run for the last time (for example, stop after 5 executions).
  4. Select the Frequency tab.

    Here you can define the exact day, time or frequency at which the rollout is to be launched on the target. To run the rollout more than once makes sense only if you expect that some rollout executions might not succeed at the first try.

  5. Click Finish .

The rollout is now defined and scheduled to be executed at the specified time.

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