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Protected application

If the application list is of type Protected Application this tab displays the following information about the members:




The fields of this column list the names of all applications that are a member of the currently selected application list.

VersionThe version number of the application.

Local Backup Copy

Displays if a copy of the protected application is to be stored on the local device.

Protect Sub-directories

This value defines if the protection scheme includes the sub-directories of the application directory. This may be applicable for larger applications having sub-directories with do not only contain user created but application data, such as libraries or filters.

Include File Types

By default all files in the main directory and the sub-directories if specified are included. If you do not want to include all files enter into this field the list of file extension which are to be included in the self-healing package. The files are a comma separated list with wildcard characters, such as .exe,.dll,.bat, and so on If you are limiting the files to be protected they should not include any type of file that is user created, such as *.doc,.txt, and so on, as newer files might be erased by older ones in case of a self-healing operation. You can also exclude these via the next parameter.

Exclude File Types

By default all file types are included for protection and selfhealing. In this field you can specify a list of file types which are not to be protected and thus included in the self-healing package. The files are a comma separated list with wildcard characters, such as .txt,.doc,*.tmp, and so on.

For example, in this field you might want to limit any type of file that is user created, such as Word documents, Excel spreadsheet, and so on, as newer files might be erased by older ones in case of a self-healing operation.

If an application is added to be protected and one of its folder is protected by the system, it is not possible to put back a file which is deleted. 

By adding an application like Internet Explorer to protect, if an update is installed by the system, it will be overwritten by the Protected Application feature with an older version. 

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