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Setting the HTTP Protocol Handler module parameters

The HttpProtocolHandler is an HTTP Server. It manages requests from various sources such as the Console, HTML and the remote agent. It rejects requests from sources which do not have the relevant authorizations, capabilities or access rights to execute actions or handle objects.


Default Value




The TCP port number on which the parent communicates with its child.
Maximum Thread Count


Defines the maximum thread counts. The maximum number of threads limits the number of requests which is handled. Requests received whilst there are no free threads available are dropped.

Console Port


The number of the port that the console uses for communication with the agent.

Console Thread Count


The maximum number of threads that are reserved exclusively for console communication. For a client at least 4 threads are recommended.

Maximum Number of Retries


Defines the number of times the publishing process is repeated after a failure before the whole process is declared failed.

Retry Interval (sec)


Defines the minimum amount of time between each retry for publishing in seconds.

Access Control-Allow-Origin*

Validates the HTTP Origin header value from the inbound message when processing a request from a different origin. The asterisk (*) authorizes any origin while the restrictive value indicates that only requests from this domain are authorized. You can also clear the parameter so the CORS requests are not authorized by the server.

To enable this parameter, perform the following steps:

  1. Stop the agent.
  2. Edit the AccessControlAllowOrigin entry in the HttpProtocol section of the HttpProtocolHandler.ini file.
  3. Add the required domains separated by commas.
    You can enter a static value or multiple values as wildcards.
  4. Save the file.
  5. Start the agent.
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