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Example: Creating, generating, and viewing a template-based report

Template-based reports, as the name already indicates, are templates which can be used to create your own reports according to a specific model or template, and they are provided in XML, HTML and PDF format. This report type is only available for Patch Management , Power Management , Application Management , Compliance Rules and the Configuration Summary and must always be assigned to at least one of the objects of its type.

This example creates a report showing the basic information and possibly basic inventories of all devices that are part of a group. It is to be executed regularly every first of the month:

  1. Click Wizards > Report Creation to launch the Report Creation Wizard .
  2. Enter Configuration Summary into the Name and Report Title boxes. The Template-based option in the Report Type list is already preselected for this guided task.
  3. Select from the Report Template box the template Configuration Summary .
  4. Click Next .
  5. To display the Security Settings Inventory in addition to the basic device information click Properties above the table.
  6. Check the Security Settings Inventory box in the appearing Report Options window.
  7. Click OK .
  8. Click Next .
  9. Click Next without making any modifications.
  10. Click Assign Device Group .
  11. Select the desired group from the pop-up window, e.g., All Devices .
  12. Click OK to confirm and close the window.
  13. Click Next to continue.
  14. Check the Immediately radio button in the Execution Date panel.
  15. Check the Run Forever radio button in the Termination panel.
  16. Go to the Frequency tab.
  17. In the By Schedule panel select the Day of the Month radio button.
  18. And select from the following list the value 1st day of the month.
  19. Go to the panel to the right and select the value Once daily in the Period field.
  20. In the following field, at , enter the time at which it is to be generated, that is, at 5 in the morning.
  21. Click Finish at the bottom of the window to confirm the new report and immediately generate it.
  22. Click View Last Result .
  23. Click Yes in the appearing pop-up window.

A new browser window or tab opens and displays the report.

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