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Managing columns of a subreport

The columns contain the selected data that will be displayed in the subreport. The list of available columns is linked to the type of the associated query if one is selected, otherwise the available columns are those of type Device . Columns can be sorted and an operator can be applied based on the data type ( Sum , Count , Average , Minimum , etc.).


When assigning a device group to the report to which the subreport belongs, the query, if you chose one in this tab, will be ignored when generating the report and all columns defined for the subreport will be deleted.

The following table explains the different elements of the Columns tab:



Query Type (list)

Defines the type of the report target, that is, on which type of CM object the report is to be generated.

Query Name (list)

Displays which query is assigned to the subreport. This list displays all queries to which the current user has access rights and which are available for the previously selected type. If you intend to assign the report to a device group and selected a query here, the report result will contain the data of the assigned group's members which are returned by the query. The subreport has the same number of lines as the query result. If part of the requested data were not provided by the object in question one or more lines or fields then stay empty in the subreport.


The object is the database object on which the query is executed upon, for example, device for a query that is executed on device groups.


Displays the attribute of the object for the column, such as HTTP Port, email address, and so on.


Displays the type of operator which is run on the values of the selected attribute, such as Count , Average , None , and so on. The type of operator displayed depends on the attribute selected in the preceding field.

Sort Order

Defines in which order the values are to be sorted, the possible values are Ascending , Descending or None .

Group By

Displays the value according to which the display is grouped, possible values are true for grouped by this attribute and false for not grouped by this attribute. If you select to group by more than one value, these values are aggregated for a more detailed representation of the data. For example, if you select in a report with a query of type Device to group by IP Address and HTTP Port, your charts will be shown grouped by the value IP Address:HTTP Port.


Indicates if the table is broken up in several tables depending on the different values of the selected heading. In this case the selected column is removed from the general table and its values are used as the title for the different tables displaying the values of the other columns. If no such value is selected all data will be shown in one single table.

Default Title

Displays a default title for the object to be displayed in the report. It will only be used if no customized title is defined.

Customized Title

Displays the user customized title for the report. It overrides the title defined by default. If this field is empty the default title will be used.

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