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This version of the product has reached end of support. The documentation is available for your convenience. However, you must be logged in to access it. You will not be able to leave comments.

Defining the Scanner

The Scanner window only appears if you selected to not use the Master as your scanner. In this case another device to be used as the scanner must be selected.

  1. Select the scanner device which is to execute the scan that is being defined via the wizard.

    If none of the defined scanners fits your requirements, you can also add another device as a Scanner:

    1. Click Add Scanner  on top of the list box.
      The Add a Scanner pop-up window appears displaying the list of all devices that can be a scanner because of their operating system.
    2. Select the device to be added from one of the list boxes.
    3. Click OK to confirm and close the window.
      The device will be added to the table of Scanners and its configuration parameter will be updated.
    4. Select the newly defined scanner in the list.
  2. Click Next to continue.
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