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Compliance Evaluation

After the base data is collected and available in the database, the rules for compliance can be defined according to your policies. If a device is compliant or not is then evaluated based on the following elements:

  • Compliance Criteria Groups
  • Criteria Group Relation

The compliance criteria that are defined by the administrator are collected in criteria groups which can be put in relation to each other for logical operations. When the relation is evaluated for the device the result is either yes or no, and a device is considered compliant if the result is yes.

Compliance Criteria Groups

The criteria that must be fulfilled for compliance are collected in groups. A criteria group can contain only one criterion or it might have several. All the criteria defined within a group are connected via the AND operator, that is, the device must comply to criterion 1 AND criterion 2 AND criterion 3 ...

A compliance rule might have only one or several of these compliance criteria groups. The relation between these groups is defined by the function specified in the Group Relation option.

Criteria Group Relation

The relation equation defines how the different groups relate to each other, that is, how the compliance is evaluated. Three operators can be used to define this relation, AND, OR and not and any number of parentheses. Criteria groups can also appear more than once in a relation equation. To identify the different groups the equation uses their respective index which is attributed to the groups by their position in the list.

1 AND 2

A device is compliant if it fulfils all criteria of group 1 and all criteria of group 2.

1 OR 2

A device is compliant if it either fulfils all criteria of group 1 or all criteria of group 2.

NOT (1 AND 2)

A device is compliant if it does not fulfil the criteria of group 1 and the criteria of group 2.

NOT (1 OR 2)

Any device that either fulfils all criteria of group 1 OR all the criteria of group 2 is not compliant.

(1 AND 2) OR (1 AND 3)

A device is compliant if it either fulfils all of groups 1 and 2 OR all the criteria of groups 1 and 3.

NOT ((1 AND 2) OR (1 AND 3))

Any device that either fulfils all of groups 1 and 2 OR all the criteria of groups 1 and 3 is not compliant.

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