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Assigned Devices of application lists

In this next window you need to define the targets of the application list. You can add either devices or device groups here.

  1. Click Assign a device group to an application list or Assign a device to an application list / on top of the list box..
    The Assign Target Devices or Groups pop-up menu appears.
  2. Select the device groups or devices from one of the list boxes.
  3. Click OK to confirm the assignment and close the window.
  4. Click Finish to confirm all settings and to start the management of the defined application list.

The last option provided by the wizard is to go directly to the application list. Check the box to change the focus of the console window to do so. Then either click Yes , to immediately activate the application list, or No to just create it, the assignment will in this case be in waiting and must be activated manually for its targets at the respective locations in the console. Click Cancel to abandon and return to the wizard.

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