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Re-evaluating members of a group

After modifications were executed in the system, such as new devices or users being added to the network and the CM agent being installed on them via rollout, BMC recommends to re-evaluate the members of existing groups which are managed through queries, using this function to make sure all new devices or users were added to their respective groups.

To re-evaluate the members of a group, proceed as follows:

  1. Select in the left window pane either:
    • Device Groups, or
    • User Groups.
  2. Select the desired group in the left window pane.
  3. Select the subnode Dynamic Population in the left window pane.
  4. Select the subnode Queries in the left window pane.
  5. Select Edit > Reevaluate Members .

The members of the selected group will immediately be updated.

This version of the documentation is no longer supported. However, the documentation is available for your convenience. You will not be able to leave comments.
