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Launching the console via Java Web Start

The Java Web Start (JWS) console can also be launched with command line options. It can be opened directly for a specific device and at a specific functionality, such as remote control for device X.


From BCM 12.6 patch 5 onward, the Java Web Start is replaced by the Web Start Package. The Web Start Package is supported only if you have applied the latest patches. For more information on the Web Start Package, see Downloading and installing the BMC Helix Client Management console.

The Java Web Start is still supported if you have not applied the latest patches.

This topic includes:

Creating the agent interface page

BMC Client Management previews the launch of the console via JWS with different command line options, however this is not included in the software, you need to create the respective interface yourself. Following you can see an example how to do so:

  1. Create a new subdirectory in the [BMC Installation Directory] /master/ui directory , for example, jws .
  2. Create a .hchl file (for example, demo.hchl) and copy the code example in it.
  3. Save the file in the new directory.

The new agent interface page via which the Java Web Start console can be opened is now ready to be used.

Launching the JWS agent interface

Once the agent interface page is created and stored at the proper location it can be launched via a browser.

  1. Open a browser and enter the following address: http://IPAddress:PortNumber/jws/demo.hchl
    The agent interface page for launching the console via JWS displays in the browser.
  2. Enter the required information into the boxes.
  3. Select the functionality on which the console is to open by clicking the respective button, for example, Direct Access.

    If the device does not exist or you do not have sufficient rights to access it, an error message displays and the console will be opened on the dashboard.

    A device can exist under several nodes, that is under the Device Topology as well as in device groups under the main Device Group node. When using the command line options, the console will be opened on the device node which is first returned by the search mechanism. This will always be a node under the Device Group node. The console will open on the device under the Device Topology if the device is not a member of any group. If the search command line option is defined, the console will open on the device shown directly under the Search node.

    The CM console appears, and opens the hierarchy in the left panel on the Your Device> Direct Access node either under the Device.

Available options

The following base options are available and can be used for opening the console via Java Web Start:



-u user

The login name of the user trying to log on. This option requires the -p option to follow providing the corresponding password. If this is not the case the login window will open requesting the password. The console will then open according to the parameters provided by the command line.

-p password

The corresponding password. This option must be used together with the -u command.

-s server:port

The master server name and port number to which the console it to connect.

-ssl sslmode

The secure mode with which the connection between the console and the master is to be established.

-n device name

The name of the device on which the console is to open. You can either list this option or the -i option to identify the device.

-i device ID

The identification of the device (the ID it is assigned in the devices table of the database) on which the console is to open. You can either list this option or the -n option to identify the device.


Opens the device node under the search node.


Opens a mini console.

You can use the following options to open the console on a specific context:




Opens the device node on the inventories subnode.


Opens the device node on the assigned operational rule's subnode.


Opens the device node on the remote control subnode.


Opens a remote control connection with the specified device.


Opens the device node on the Direct Access subnode.


Opens the device on the File System subnode of the Direct Access.


Opens the device on the Registry subnode of the Direct Access.


Opens the device on the Services subnode of the Direct Access.


Opens the device on the Windows Events subnode of the Direct Access.


Opens the device on the Process Management subnode of the Direct Access.


Opens the console on the specified device and sends a ping to it. If the options -limited is used only a pop-up window will be displayed with the result of the ping operation.


Opens the console on the specified device and reboots it. If the options -limited is used only a pop-up window will be displayed with the result of the reboot operation.


Opens the console and shuts down the device. If the options -limited is used only a pop-up window will be displayed with the result of the shutdown operation.


Opens the console on the specified device and tries to wake it up. If the options -limited is used only a pop-up window will be displayed with the result of the wakeup operation.


Opens the device node with the File Transfer window already opened.

Code example of a JWS agent interface page

The following code example launches a web page in which you need to enter the required login information, such as login name, password, master and port, etc. The following line will provide a row of button via which the specific functionalities are accessed for the required device.

<INCLUDE htmlfile="../common/scripts/defs.hchl" onceonly>
    form {
        font-family: Arial;
        font-size: 12px;
    // Get keywords translations
    TranslationInfo TranslationList[]
    string szKeywords[]
    string szLine
    int i, iSize
    szKeywords <<= "_TITLE_CONSOLE_"
    szKeywords <<= "_NOTE_CONSOLE_"
    szKeywords <<= "_CONSOLE_DESC_"
    szKeywords <<= "_JRE_LINKNOTE_"
    szKeywords <<= "_JRE_LINKOTHEROS_"
    szKeywords <<= "_CONSOLE_ONECLICKINSTALL_"
    TranslationList = Translation (szKeywords)
    iSize = ArrayGetSize (TranslationList)
    szLine = "<SCRIPT language='Javascript'>" + ENDLINE
    szLine += "a = new Array (" + iSize + ");" + ENDLINE
    for (i = 0; i < iSize; i += 1)
        szLine += "a[" + i + "]=new Array (2);" + ENDLINE
        szLine += "a[" + i + "][0]=\"" + TranslationList[i+1].szKeyword + "\";" + ENDLINE
        szLine += "a[" + i + "][1]=\"" + TranslationList[i+1].szTranslation + "\";" + ENDLINE
    szLine += "</"+"SCRIPT>" + ENDLINE
    Print (szLine)
<SCRIPT language='Javascript'>
    function Popup (link)
        window.open (link, "BmcClientManagement", "height=400, width=650, toolbar=no, menubar=no, scrollbars=no, resizable=no, location=no, directories=no, status=no");
<FORM name='console'>
    <INPUT type='hidden' name=URL>
        <TD><INPUT type='text' name='login' size='20'>
        <TD><INPUT type='text' name='password' size='20'>
        <TD><INPUT type='text' name='serverport' size='20'>
        <TD><INPUT type='text' name='ssl' size='20' value='0'>
        <TD><INPUT type='text' name='devicename' size='20'>
        <TD><INPUT type='checkbox' name='checkmini' size='20'></TD>
        <TD>Choose one context:&nbsp;&nbsp;</TD>
<SCRIPT LANGUAGE='Javascript'>
   function RefreshURL ()
        if (document.forms["console"].checkmini.checked)
            document.forms["console"].URL.value="/raw/console/console.jnlp?-u=" + document.forms["console"].login.value +"&-p=" + document.forms["console"].password.value + "&-n=" + document.forms["console"].devicename.value + "&-s=" + document.forms["console"].serverport.value + "&-ssl=" + document.forms["console"].ssl.value +"&-Limited";
            document.forms["console"].URL.value="/raw/console/console.jnlp?-u=" + document.forms["console"].login.value +"&-p=" + document.forms["console"].password.value + "&-n=" + document.forms["console"].devicename.value + "&-s=" + document.forms["console"].serverport.value + "&-ssl=" + document.forms["console"].ssl.value;
    <INPUT type='button' Value='Operational Rules' OnClick='RefreshURL ();Popup  (document.forms["console"].URL.value +"&-op");'>
    <INPUT type='button' Value='Inventory' OnClick='RefreshURL ();Popup (document.forms["console"].URL.value + "&-inv");'> 
    <INPUT type='button' Value='Ping' OnClick='RefreshURL ();Popup (document.forms["console"].URL.value + "&-Ping&-Limited");'>
    <INPUT type='button' Value='Remote Control' OnClick='RefreshURL ();Popup (document.forms["console"].URL.value + "&-rc");'>
    <INPUT type='button' Value='Registry Limited' OnClick='RefreshURL ();Popup (document.forms["console"].URL.value + "&-Registry&-Limited");'>
    <INPUT type='button' Value='Processes' OnClick='RefreshURL ();Popup (document.forms["console"].URL.value +  "&-Processes");'>
    <INPUT type='button' Value='Events' OnClick='RefreshURL ();Popup (document.forms["console"].URL.value + "&-Events");'>
    <INPUT type='button' Value='Services' OnClick='RefreshURL ();Popup (document.forms["console"].URL.value +  "&-Services");'>
    <INPUT type='button' Value='Direct Access' OnClick='RefreshURL ();Popup (document.forms["console"].URL.value + "&-da");'>
    <INPUT type='button' Value='File Transfer' OnClick='RefreshURL ();Popup (document.forms["console"].URL.value +"&-FileTransfer");'>           

This version of the documentation is no longer supported. However, the documentation is available for your convenience. You will not be able to leave comments.
