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View of a target

A target is the individual device on which an operating system is to be remotely installed via the OS deployment. A target can be any device of your infrastructure, independent of the fact if a BCM agent is installed on it. It can be a new device, completely empty, a device on which another operating system is already installed and is to be upgraded or a device of which the operating system must be repaired.

Next to the General tab, this node has a Agent Log File tab, displaying the contents of the log file for the deployment of the selected target device.

The section includes following topics:

The Target List General tab

The following table describes parameters of Target List General tab:




The user access name. It is simply used as a display name, but it must be unique anyway.

Start Suffix

Displays the suffix which is used to automatically increment the device names within a subnetwork. This field is only displayed for devices with Target Mode PXE Subnet Mask.

Installed Device Count

This field is only displayed for devices with Target Mode PXE Subnet Mask.


Optional free text field in which you may enter additional information regarding the object.


Select the type of architecture the target list is to be applicable to.

Operating System

Displays the name of the operating system which is installed on the device. If none is installed yet the field remains empty.


Select from the drop-down box the language. This language setting is applicable to the setup, the operating system to be installed, the keyboard layout and the user locale. The listed languages have been automatically detected from the installation CD/DVD.

Mac Address

Displays the current MAC address of the target device. This field remains empty if the target is added via a PXE Subnet Filter or a PXE Menu.

IP Address

Displays the current IP address of the target device in its dotted notation. This field remains empty if the target is added via a PXE Subnet Filter or a PXE Menu.


Displays the current DNS information of the target device. This field remains empty if the target is added via a PXE Subnet Filter or a PXE Menu.

PXE Subnet Filter

Displays the IP address in its dotted notation for the subnet which is to contain the target devices. This field remains empty if the target is added manually or via a PXE Menu.

Target Mode

Indicates the way the target was added to the project, that is, if it was added directly as a Target or via a PXE Subnet Mask or a PXE Menu.


Defines the name of your organization, for example, BMC Software .


The network workgroup of the target devices, for example, WORKGROUP . If you enter a value here and as well into the Domain field later on, this value is ignored.

Administrator Login

Enter into this field the login name to which is to be created for the newly installed OS with the full administrator rights accorded on the new device. For Vista and later versions this field is ignored, as the login name is predefined by Microsoft and can not be modified.

User Login

Enter into this field the login name with which the user is to log on to his device which provides him with the required user rights. This parameter is only applicable to Vista and later.


Enter into this field the name of the domain the new device should belong to, for example, TESTLAB . If you entered a name for the workgroup above the domain value prevails.

Domain Administrator Name

Enter into this field the login name of the domain administrator with which he may access the new device without the domain prefix. for example, Administrator and not TESTLABAdministrator or .Administrator .

DHCP Activated

Indicates if the internal DHCP server is enabled.

Static IP Address

The IP address which is to be attributed to the target device.

Subnet Mask

The subnet mask for the target device.

Default Gateway

The IP address of the gateway of the target device.

Primary DNS Server

The IP address of the preferred DNS server of the target device.

Auxiliary DNS Server

The IP address of the alternate DNS server of the target device.

Product Key

Defines the preformatted input for the OS product key (for example: ABCDE-FGHIJ-KLMNO-PQRST-UVWXY ). Replace the standard key already entered in this field with the key provided by Microsoft on your installation DVD.

Color Depth

Defines the color depth in bits per pixel of the target screen.

Resolution (DPI)

Defines the resolution in dpi that is to be used for the fonts displayed on the screen of the device to be installed.

Refresh Rate (hz)

Defines the refresh rate in Hertz of the target screen (for example: 85 for CRT, 60 for LCD).

Screen Resolution

Defines the resolution in pixels of the target screen. The value in parenthesis behind the value indicates for which screen size the respective resolution is generally used.

Time Zone

The timezone in which the target device is located.

First Login Command

Defines the commands to be executed on the first login, this may be a path to a batch file to execute, for example, E:Apps.bat or cmd /c REGEDIT /S E:Appspatch.reg . This parameter is both applicable to Windows setup as well as sysprep.

Activation Status

This field displays the status of the target device with regards to their OS installation. The possible values are Inactive Target illustrated also with a blue flag , if the installation process was launched with success and Active Target illustrated also with a green flag  , if the device is still waiting to launch its OS installation or an error occurred.


This field displays the current status of the selected device with regards to the operating system deployment.

Creation Date

The date and time at which the target was created for the deployment.

Last Modification Date

Displays the date and time at which the selected object was modified for the last time; for folders this field remains empty.


This free text field can contain additional information concerning the selected object.

Agent Log File

This tab displays the contents of the log file of the multicast session.

This version of the documentation is no longer supported. However, the documentation is available for your convenience. You will not be able to leave comments.
