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Hardware Inventory steps

This step class contains any type of steps manipulating the contents of the hardware inventory.

Add WMI Class

This step adds a WMI class to the hardware inventory filters and is applicable to Windows only.



Action List for Attributes

Contains the list of actions for the above specified properties in the same order, separated with a comma or a semi-colon. Possible values are ACCEPT - include the attribute in the inventory and REJECT - do not include the attribute in the inventory

List of Attribute Names

Enter here the list of names of class attributes or properties, for example, PowerManagementSupported . The individual attributes must be separated with a comma or a semi-colon.

List of Attribute Types

Must contain the list of types for each above listed property, separated with a comma or a semi-colon. This is the type of the attribute value as which it is entered into the database and displayed on the screen. The following values are possible: INTEGER, STRING or ALL.

Class ID

The system name or identification of the WMI class as provided by Microsoft, for example, Win32_BaseBoard for the above name of class name Base Board . There can only be a single Class ID within each WMI class .

Class Name

The name of the WMI class, for example, Base Board .

This version of the documentation is no longer supported. However, the documentation is available for your convenience. You will not be able to leave comments.
