Software Distribution steps

The software distribution group contains all steps concerned with the distribution of software packages to be installed throughout your network.

Install Package

This step installs a package on the target devices. The package contains a file named INSTALL.CHL which will be extracted and called to carry out the actual installation on the local target.

If a reboot is scheduled, you can define the reboot parameters and message, which may also be localized. The logo of the message box may be customized as well. For this you only need to store the following customized images in their exact sizes in the //data//core//res directory of the BCM agent: FullSized.bmp (575 x 575 pixels), MediumSized.bmp (575 x 510 pixels), SmallSized.bmp (575 x 455 pixels), RebootAfterLogOut.bmp (575 x 275 pixels).

If files were locked during the installation and thus could not be updated on a device, an error message appears in the Error Details column of the assigned devices view of the operational rule installing the package. In this case, the files in question will be updated during the next reboot.



Package Name

Defines the name of the package to be sent to the targets. The package is defined with its relative or full path. You may also use one or more environment variables to indicate the path. The variable must be enclosed in ${} . These variables may be very useful if the configurations of your clients are heterogeneous.

Package Checksum

Contains the checksum of the package which is stored in a directory next to the package directory on the master server. If the checksum of the package and the stored value of the package checksum are not identical the step fails.

Valid Return Codes

The list of valid return codes for this package, separated by commas.

Reboot if needed

Check this box if the target device must be rebooted to finish the installation of the package. If this box is left unckecked and the installation requires a reboot you must reboot the device manually. In this case the operational rule finishes successfully and you can find an entry in the Error Details column, reminding you that a final device reboot is required.nIf the MSI installation itself is executed forcing a reboot (for example via /forcerestart), any assigned reboot windows or maximum restart limits are ignored.

Check Package Integrity

Check this parameter if the integrity of the package is to be verified via its checksum before extracting the data.

Deferred Reboot

Check this box to activate the deferred reboot option. This allows the user to postpone the necessary reboot, if it appears at an inconvenient time. You can then define how often and for how long the user can postpone the reboot in the next two boxes. If you leave the box unchecked, the reboot is executed as scheduled.

Postpone Count

Defines how often the user may decide to postpone the reboot for the below specified number of minutes.

Postpone Delay (min)

The interval in minutes that the reboot may be postponed.

Timeout before auto-accept (min)

The number of minutes defines the timeframe the user has to accept or postpone the reboot in the displayed message. If the user does not react before the counter expires, the reboot proceeds as defined.

Localized Message 1

To display the message in the language of the local operating system enter the localized message here in the format CodePage : Message . The CodePages represents that language of the local operating system, the most common are English (UK): 2057, English (US): 1033, French: 1036, German: 1031, Portuguese (Brazil): 1046, Spanish: 1034 and Japanese: 1041.

Localized Message 2

Defines the localized message for an alternative local operating system language in the format CodePage : Message . The CodePages represents that language of the local operating system, the most common are English (UK): 2057, English (US): 1033, French: 1036, German: 1031, Portuguese (Brazil): 1046, Spanish: 1034 and Japanese: 1041.

Default Text

Enter the default message text of the message box, that is displayed if the local operating system is not one of those defined below.

Force Reboot if Client is Locked

Check this box if the reboot is to be executed even if the client is locked. Otherwise the reboot waits until the client becomes unlocked.

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