Network ports


Description and default ports 1,2

Client agent

General agent communication port as configured (default is 1610)

Management console

General console management port as configured (default is 1611)

Bandwidth throttling

Bandwidth management port on relay servers (default is 1609)


MyApps port on master server (default is 1612)

Integration port

Port used for third-party integrations and set with a specific SSL certificate (default is 1616)

TCP discovery

TCP ports scanned for auto-discovery (default is 23,25,139)

Multicast traffic

Multicast transfer agent listening port as configured (default is 2500)

Active directory LDAP

LDAP port (default is 389)


For disk access on the remote device using SMB, TCP port 139 or 445 To access the remote RPC service, TCP port 135

Mobile ManagementMobile Manager port (default 1661)


  • Ports are configurable.
  • The ports for client agent and management console are required; all other ports are optional.
  • The port for client agent (default 1610) is the primary port used by BMC Client Management for network communications with respect to assignment information, inventory data, or any Parent-Child data transfers. This port should be open on all systems which have the BCM agent installed and will be designated for use as a parent device.
  • The port for management console (default 1611) provides the same functionality as the port for client agent, but traffic is given priority over pending traffic on port for client agent. This port should be open on all systems which have the BCM agent installed and will be designated for use as a parent device. TCP port 1611 is often used for the console connection, or for client devices that must maintain an active tunnel to their parent device.

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  1. Jubin Thomas

    Hi Gina Wadley,

    Corrected it.

    Thanks, Jubin

    Mar 14, 2017 12:09