File Store module parameters

Allows you to access the File Store queue and the module configuration.


Default Value


Timeout (sec)


The time to wait in seconds before re-notifying a device when the notification failed. This thread is only used by the Notify thread.

Push Timeout (sec)


The time to wait in seconds for the push thread if it did not manage to contact the relay. Note that this timeout is randomised between (value - (value/2)) and (value + (value/2)) to smooth the relay load.

Pull Timeout (sec)


The time to wait in seconds for the pull thread if it did not manage to contact our relay. Note that this timeout is randomised between (value - (value/2)) and (value + (value/2)) to smooth the relay load.

Object Time to Live (sec)


In order to prevent non-transferable data from remaining eternally in the queue, each object is assigned a specific time in seconds that it may stay in the queue and wait to be passed on its way to its destination.

Queue Delay (sec)


Whenever the File Store receives an object to be transported up or down in the hierarchy it puts it in a queue, and this queue is worked through in chronological order. This field here defines the interval in seconds between each check of the queue of objects to move.

Prefer IP Addresses


Defines whether the identification for communication between the agents and with the master is effected via the agents' IP addresses or over their host names. This is to facilitate networking in environments that do not have DNS name resolution in place.

Enable Dialup Downloads


Specifies if downloads are authorised via a RAS (Remote Access Service) connection. If this option is unchecked, then if a dialup connection is detected, the FileStore does not download any information such as inventory. It still receives information about files being available on its relay but it does not make any attempts to download them. Note that on a system which has a LAN connection AND a Dialup connection active at the same time, the module considers itself in dialup mode and behaves as described above. This entry is only valid for Windows devices.

Enable Dialup Uploads


Specifies if uploads are authorised via a RAS (Remote Access Service) connection. If this option is unchecked, then if a dialup connection is detected, the FileStore does not upload any information such as inventory. It still receives information about files being available on its relay but it does not make any attempts to download them. Note that on a system which has a LAN connection AND a Dialup connection active at the same time, the module considers itself in dialup mode and behaves as described above. This entry is only valid for Windows devices.

Threshold for Downloads (bit/sec)


Defines whether downstream transfers are blocked if a connection (whatever its type) is too slow. 0 indicates no restriction is imposed on interface speed. The thresholds must be indicated in bits/s such that 10000000 means 10Mbits/s .

Threshold for Uploads (bit/sec)


Determines whether upstream transfers are blocked if a connection (whatever its type) is too slow. 0 indicates no restriction is imposed on interface speed. The thresholds must be indicated in bits/s such that 10000000 means 10Mbits/s.

Frame Size (Bytes)


Defines the frame size of the network type which the device uses for communication. This parameter must only be modified for devices using non-ethernet networks, such as token ring, frame relays or ATM networks.

Multicast Block Size (Bytes)


Defines the rate used for data transfer. The value must be increased as the transfer rate increases. The default value (16384 byte) is the optimum value for 128KB/s transfers. The minimum value is 1024, the maximum 64000.

Multicast Transfer Delay (sec)


The delay in seconds before the notification is sent and before sending multicast data. This delay is based on the network resources as well as on the number of clients waiting for distribution. This delay allows the clients to demand the file from the relay.

Multicast Listen Port


Defines the multicast port.

Multicast Transfer Address -

Defines the range of multicast IP address. The server scans the address range and then uses the first available address for the multicast. The address range must be within the following range: and

Multicast Retry Number


The number retries to transfer the file, if clients report missing frames. This parameter is reinitialised at each new window transfer slot. If the number of retries is set very high, File Store ensures that the frames are continuously sent through the network. A reasonable value for this behaviour would be 1000 retries for a medium sized network.

Multicast Minimum Success Rate (%)


Defines the minimum success rate in percent from which on the transfer is stopped. This parameter is reinitialised at each new wave of clients. To ensure that the retries continue throughout the network as long as possible, this value must be set very high, such as between 85 and 95% per wave of clients.

Multicast Minimum Requests


Specifies the minimum number of answers from target clients before launching a multicast transfer. If the number of answers is below the fixed threshold the file is sent unicast to the targets.

Multicast Minimum File Size (Bytes)


The minimum file size for a multicast transfer in bytes.

Multicast Time To Live


The multicast Time To Live, that is, the maximum number of nodes the frames can pass before arriving on the target. This is normally set to 1 for local networks up to 255 for worldwide network. To deploy to a national network 32 nodes should be enough and for worldwide distribution 128 nodes normally make sure that the whole network is delivered.

Multicast Differential Retry


Specifies if differential package retry is to be used. If activated, only those frames that have not yet been received by the client are re-transferred. The differential retry is recommended for a smaller number of target clients (<50).

Unicast Recovery on Multicast Failure


Defines if unicast recovery is to be done if the multicast delivery fails.

Package Time to Live (days)


Defines the time to live in days for package files relative to the last time the respective package was asked for by a client. This option is also applicable to the rollout post install files which are kept as a .zip file on the file store. 0 deactivates this option.

Synchronize Packages at Startup


Check this box if the packages are to be synchronized at every startup of the agent. Package synchronization allows a device to send its current list of packages it is assigned to as well as their checksum. The master compares the checksum and if it is different to its own, it sends the master list of packages to the device. In this case the local agent compares its list of packages assigned to the device with the master list and updates it accordingly by deleting the unassigned packages and adding the newly assigned ones.

Minimum Gap between Two Automatic Synchronizations (sec)


Defines the minimum interval in seconds at which the package synchronizations are to be done. This means that if a default synchronization is executed at 23:00 at night and the client is started at 6 am with agent startup synchronization defined, no synchronization is executed until at least 11 am even if the agent is started/restarted before, as the interval is fixed for 12 hours minimum.

Trusted Address

Defines a number of IP addresses from which the local agent is to accept communication in addition to its relay. This allow NAT and VPN communication to work within in the network and the BCM agent, as it recognizes VPN addresses also. Trusted addresses may be entered as single IP addresses or in form of address ranges:

  • Dotted notation, for example, or 2001:db8:85a3::8a2e:370:7334
  • With the short or complete network name such as scotty or
  • A mixture of both:,2001:db8:85a3::8a2e:370:7334, .Several ranges must be separated by a comma (,) or a semi colon ((wink).

Request for Notifications Interval


Defines the interval in seconds which may elapse without communication from the relay after which the client re-activates its RequestThread to inquire for new notifications from the relay. After the first received notification, the thread is deactivated.

Immediate Start of Notification Request Process


Defines if the thread is to be launched without its initial pause.

Package Repository Path

Defines the path to the storage location of referenced packages on the relay, for example, D:Packages, D being the local CD/DVD or USB drive. It is also possible to list more than one path, each path separated by a comma (,) from the next.

Copy from Repository to File Store


Defines if the package is copied into the filestore. If the option is deactivated this means that the medium on which the package is stored must be available on the relay until the last target has collected and installed the package.

Max. Size for Package Conservation (MB)


Defines the maximum size that a package may have to be stored in the database in MB. If a package is larger than the indicated value it is stored until no more devices are in its target list and then it is deleted. If all packages are always to be kept and this option is to be deactivated enter 0 into this field.

Concatenation Mode


Defines if the file concatenation mode is active for the upload and if yes which one is used. Possible values are No Upload ; Automatic concatenation means that all files to be uploaded are packed into one archive file and uploaded, Manual concatenation indicates that all files are packed to be uploaded as in automatic with the exception of those specified in the Excluded File Types parameter which are uploaded separately.

Excluded File Types

Defines all types, separated with a comma (,), which are to be uploaded separately. It is only required for manual concatenation.

Maximum Number of Files to Concatenate


Defines the maximum number of files that can be concatenated.

Check for Available Free Space before Downloading a Package


Check this box if the agent is to verify if there is enough disk space available before actually downloading the package. If not enough space is available an error is logged.

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