Directory Handling steps

This group of operational rule steps provides the necessary functions for handling the directories on the managed devices in the system. They are used amongst others for the monitoring and prohibiting of applications.

Create Directory

This step creates a new directory at the indicated location.



Target Path or URL

Specify the name and relative or absolute path or URL to be created.

Delete Directory

This step deletes a directory on the managed devices.



Delete Read-only Files

Check this box to also delete all read-only files which may be located in the directory.

Target Path or URL

Specify the name and relative or absolute path or URL to be deleted.

Only Delete Directory Content

Check this box to only delete the directory content. The directory is not deleted.

Backup Directory

This step creates a backup of an existing directory and all its content including all subdirectories in another directory. It may also be used to copy/duplicate a directory and all its contents at another location.



Backup Name

Enter a name for the backup to be able to identify the backup. If the directory is simply to be copied enter the target name of the copy, which may be the same as the original.

Backup Path

Specify the path to the directory in which the backup/copy is to be created. If the directory does not yet exist, it is created.

Data Compression

Check this box if the backup is to compress the selected data in the backup file. Do not check this box for directory copying.

Append PC Name to Backup Name

Check this box, if the name of the client is to be added to the backup name. Do not check this box for directory copying.

Append Date to Backup Name

Check this box, if the date and time of the backup is to be added to the backup name. Do not check this box for directory copying.

Backup on Relay

Check this box if the contents of the directory are to be backed up on the device?s relay instead of locally on the device itself.

Enable Full Path

Check this box if the contents of the directory are to be backed up with the whole directory structure.

Append Registry Key Name to Backup Name

Check this box, if the registry key name is to be added to the backup name. Do not check this box for directory copying.

Append Registry Key Value Name to Backup Name

Check this box, if the registry key vale name is to be added to the backup name. Do not check this box for directory copying.

Source Path or URL

The name and relative or absolute path or URL of the directory to be backed up or copied.

Rename Directory

The following step renames an existing directory. At the same time you may move the directory to another location.



Source Path or URL

Specify the name and relative or absolute path or URL of the source directory.

Target Path or URL

Specify the new name and relative or absolute path or URL of the directory.

Restore Directory

This step restores the contents of a directory, files and subdirectories, that was backed up via the "Backup Directory" step.



Appended Device Name

Check this box if the name of the device was added to the backup name.

Appended Backup Date

If the backup of a specific date is to be restored, enter the desired date into this field in the form of YYYYMMDD. Make sure the Last Backup Date box above is not checked in this case.

Target Data Location

Specify the path to which the directory is to be restored. If the directory does not yet exist, it is created.

Backup Name

The name of the backup to be restored.

Appended Registry Key Name

Enter the name of the registry key into this field if it was appended to the backup name.

Appended Registry Value Name

Enter the name of the registry value into this field if it was appended to the backup name.

Backup Path

The name and relative or absolute path or URL to the backed up directory to be restored.

Backup on Relay

Check this box if the contents of the directory to be restored are located on the device?s relay instead of locally on the device itself.

Last Backup Date

Check this box if the latest available backup of this directory is to be restored. If this box is checked the entry in the next field Appended Backup Date is ignored.

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