Creating a USB device to deploy operating systems

The following example creates a completely self-sufficient USB device to deploy a WIM image on UEFI devices on the OSD Manager device. In this case self-sufficient means that the target device does not require an Internet connection for the deployment.

You need to have a WIM image for UEFI deployment ready and built to run this example.


  • A bootable USB device can only be created on the OSD Manager and the USB device must be physically connected to the OSD Manager device.
  • Make sure your USB device is large enough to contain all the project data in addition to the WinPE if you create a USB device for offline mode. The estimated size is displayed in this view in the Total estimated size on the USB device: box.
  • Any data that are stored on the selected USB device are irrevocably deleted before the bootable USB device is created.
  1. Plug the USB device into the OSD Manager device.
  2. Select the USB Device tab of the OS Deployment > Your OSD Manager > Projects > Your Project Type > Your Project node in the right window pane.
  3. Select the Offline Mode radio button.
    The value of the Total estimated size on the USB device: below is updated to the estimated size that must be available on the USB device. This value represents the size of the project plus the connected image and the WinPE.
  4. Select the drive into which you connected the USB device from the Selected drive for USB device list.

    This list only shows the drives on which a USB device is connected. It displays the drive letter together with the total size of the connected USB device. Be aware, that this is not the currently available space of the device, as the contents of it are erased before the USB device is created.

  5. Leave the NTFS radio button selected.
  6. Select the answer file from the Which answer file would you like to use? list. Leave the Automatic value, if you want the USB device to use the automatic mode.
  7. Click Start to create the USB device.
    The USB device is cleaned of all existing data and the selected data are copied to the USB device. You can follow the progress of the USB creation in the progress bar at the bottom of the tab. Once the USB device is ready, you can plug it into the new device to deploy to and the USB device automatically launches the deployment process.

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