Creating a target in static IP mode

Target devices can also be created in static mode. To do so, proceed as follows:

  1. Select Create Target .
    The Create a New Target window opens on the screen with its three tabs, General Information, Parameters and Unattended Information.




    Enter into this text box the short name that the new device is to have, for example, scotty. Be aware that the name of the new target can only have a maximum of 15 characters and can only contain the following characters: A-Z, a-z, 0-9, the underscore (_) and a dash (n/a).


    Leave this radio button selected to attribute static IP addresses.

  2. Select the Parameters tab and fill in the boxes for the target operating system information.




    Select from the drop-down box the Windows edition that is being installed, for example Windows Vista Enterprise. The listed editions were automatically detected from the installation CD/DVD.


    Select from the drop-down box the language. This language setting will be applicable to the setup, the operating system to be installed, the keyboard layout and the user locale. The listed languages were automatically detected from the installation CD/DVD.

    Product Key

    Enter into this text box the OS product key (for example, ABCDE-FGHIJ-KLMNO-PQRST-UVWXY).

    Static IP

    Select this radio button to statically assign the IP addresses to the devices. The following text boxes must be defined for static IP addressing:

    Host IP Address

    Enter into this text box the IP address which is to be attributed to the target device. This text box is mandatory.

    Subnet Mask

    Enter into this text box the subnet mask for the target device. This text box is mandatory.


    Enter into this text box the IP address of the gateway of the target device. This text box is mandatory.

    Preferred DNS Server

    Enter into this text box the IP address of the preferred DNS server of the target device. This text box is mandatory.

    Alternate DNS Server

    Enter into this text box the IP address of the alternate DNS server of the target device. This text box is optional.

    Click Default Values below these boxes to preenter the Subnet Mask , Gateway and Preferred DNS Server boxes with the default values.

  3. Select the Unattended Information tab and fill in the boxes for your organization.
  4. Click OK at the bottom of the window to confirm the data for the new target device and add it to the target list.

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