Changing active power scheme

The easiest way to change the active power scheme on a group of devices is again by operational rule. Be aware that here you must enter the name exactly as it is defined. To find its correct name go to the Inventory > Power Management > Power Plans node. Here you can see all power schemes that exist on the device with their respective parameter settings. Check the entry Name for the name to enter in the step parameter.

  1. Select Wizards > Operational Rule Creation .
    The Operational Rule Creation Wizard displays on the screen with its first window, Definition. The left pane of the wizard window appears all available steps of this wizard. Depending on the selections made in the right window panes, some of these steps will become available/unavailable.
  2. Enter Change Power Scheme (or any other desired name) into the Name field.
  3. Leave all other parameters as they are, because neither packages will be distributed nor dependencies are required for this rule.
  4. Click Next > to continue.
  5. Select Add Step on top of the list field.
    The Select a Step pop-up menu appears.
  6. Open the Power Management folder and select the Define Power Plan step.
  7. Click Add to confirm.
    The Properties window appears.
  8. Enter the name of the scheme to make the active scheme into the Replacement Power Plan field.

    Make sure you enter it exactly as it is defined in Windows. You can find the exact name either in the console in the previous inventory, or in the inventory‘s tab, or in the Power Scheme window of Windows.

  9. Click OK to confirm the parameters and OK again to confirm the new step.
  10. Click OK again to confirm the list of steps for the operational rule and close the window.
  11. Click Finish to confirm the settings of the new operational rule.
    A confirmation window appears which allows you to directly continue with the Operational Rule Distribution Wizard.
  12. Click Yes to continue directly with the distribution of the new rule.
    The Operational Rule Distribution Wizard displays on the screen.


    The Name field is inaccessible as the operational rule to distribute is already preselected, that is, the one we just created.

  13. Leave all options as they are.
  14. Click Next > to continue with the Assigned Targets window.
  15. Select Assign Device Group on top of the list field.
    The Select a Device Group pop-up menu appears.
  16. Select the Client Devices group.
  17. Click OK to confirm and close the window.
    The device group will be added to the list window.
  18. Click Finish to confirm all choices and launch the assignment and configuration process.

    The last option provided by the wizard is again the choice to go directly to the operational rule.

  19. Check the Go to Operational Rule box and click Yes, to directly activate the rule.

After the operational rule is executed on all devices, you can verify if it properly assigned the new scheme by regenerating the power inventory again. Do so by re-executing (reassigning) the respective operational rule.

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