Server Provisioning configuration

This page provides information for creating a configuration file for the provisioning of a Control-M/Server. This configuration file is a payload JSON file that contains the details of a Control-M/Server that you want to provision.

The exact group of properties that you include in the configuration file depends on the following considerations:

OS and database
  • Windows with MS SQL
  • Linux with Oracle
Type of installation
  • New Control-M/Server
  • Transfer of an existing Control-M/Server from one machine to another (server rehydration)

The following code samples show the available objects and properties that you can include within such a file for each type of installation. The rest of this page provides descriptions of all properties.

    "Installation": "new",
    "ControlMName": "MyControlMName",
    "InstallPath": "C:\\Program Files\\BMC Software",
    "Database": {
        "Vendor": "MSSQL",
        "Host": "",
        "Port": 1433,
        "AdminLogin": "manager",
        "AdminPassword": "*********",
        "OwnerLogin": "ctmuser",
        "OwnerPassword": "*********",
        "Size": "Small",
        "TablespaceSize": 250,
        "Databasename": "ctrlmdb",
        "CJK": "false",
        "FullPathName": "C:\\Program Files\\Microsoft SQL Server\\MSSQL12.MSSQLSERVER\\MSSQL\\DATA\\ctmuser.dat"
    "Log": {
        "Size": 90,
        "FullPath": "C:\\Program Files\\Microsoft SQL Server\\MSSQL12.MSSQLSERVER\\MSSQL\\DATA\\ctmuser.log"
    "Configuration": {
        "Hostname": "",
        "ControlMEMTcpIpPort": 2370,
        "IPCPort": 6005,
        "ConfigurationAgentPort": 2369,
        "ServerToAgentPort": 7006,
        "AgentToServerPort": 7005,
        "HighAvailabilityPort": 2368
    "Installation": "rehydrate",
    "Database": {       
        "Host": "",
        "Port": 1433,
        "OwnerLogin": "ctmuser",
        "OwnerPassword": "*********"
    "Configuration": {
        "Hostname": "",
        "ControlMEMTcpIpPort": 2370,
        "IPCPort": 6005,
        "ConfigurationAgentPort": 2369,
        "ServerToAgentPort": 7006,
        "AgentToServerPort": 7005,
        "HighAvailabilityPort": 2368
    "PrimaryServer": {
        "Database": "MSSQL",
        "Installation": "CTM",
        "Hostname": "server1"
    "Installation": "new",
    "ControlMName": "MyControlMName",
    "Database": {
        "Vendor": "Oracle",
        "InstanceName": "ORCL",
        "Host": "",
        "Port": 1521,
        "AdminLogin": "manager",
        "AdminPassword": "********",
        "OwnerLogin": "ctmuser",
        "OwnerPassword": "********",
        "Size": "Small",
        "TablespaceSize": 250,
        "TablespaceName": "ctmuser_tbs"
    "Configuration": {
        "Hostname": "",
        "ControlMEMTcpIpPort": 2370,
        "IPCPort": 6005,
        "ConfigurationAgentPort": 2369,
        "ServerToAgentPort": 7006,
        "AgentToServerPort": 7005,
        "HighAvailabilityPort": 2368
    "Installation": "rehydrate",
    "Database": {
        "InstanceName": "ORCL",
        "Host": "",
        "Port": 1521,
        "OwnerLogin": "ctmuser",
        "OwnerPassword": "********"
    "Configuration": {
        "Hostname": "",
        "ControlMEMTcpIpPort": 2370,
        "IPCPort": 6005,
        "ConfigurationAgentPort": 2369,
        "ServerToAgentPort": 7006,
        "AgentToServerPort": 7005,
        "HighAvailabilityPort": 2368
    "PrimaryServer": {
        "Database": "Oracle",
        "Installation": "CTM",
        "Hostname": "server1"

General settings

The following properties at the top of the configuration file define the basic settings of the Control-M/Server:

InstallationType of installation, either new or rehydrate
ControlMName(New server only) Logical name for the new Control-M/Server
InstallPath(New server on MS SQL only) The installation path of the Control-M/Server on an MS SQL host, typically C:\\Program Files\\BMC Software

Database settings

The following table lists the database-related properties that appear under the Database object, indicating the types of installations and databases for which each property is required.

PropertyDescriptionMS SQLOracle
VendorDatabase vendor, either Oracle or MSSQL(tick)(error)(tick)(error)
InstanceNameName of the Oracle database instance(error)(error)(tick)(tick)
HostHost name, IP address, or alias of the database host machine(tick)(tick)(tick)(tick)
PortNumber of the TCP/IP port for communication between Control‑M and the database(tick)(tick)(tick)(tick)
AdminLoginDatabase administrator user name(tick)(error)(tick)(error)
AdminPasswordDatabase administrator password(tick)(error)(tick)(error)
OwnerLoginName of the Control‑M/Server database owner(tick)(tick)(tick)(tick)
OwnerPasswordPassword of the Control-M/Server database owner(tick)(tick)(tick)(tick)
SizeTextual category for database memory requirements — SMALL, MEDIUM, or LARGE(tick)(error)(tick)(error)
TablespaceSizeTotal size of the Control-M/Server database(tick)(error)(tick)(error)
TablespaceNameName of the Oracle tablespace(error)(error)(tick)(error)
DatabaseNameName of the Control-M/Server MS SQL database(tick)(error)(error)(error)
CJKWhether the database supports CJK characters, either true or false(tick)(error)(error)(error)

Full path to the MS SQL database installation

For example: C:\\Program Files\\Microsoft SQL Server\\


Two more properties under the Log object are relevant only for a new server on MS SQL:

SizeAmount of space (MB) to allocate for the Control‑M/Server database log

Full path to the Control-M/Server database log

For example: C:\\Program Files\\Microsoft SQL Server\\MSSQL12.MSSQLSERVER\\MSSQL\\DATA\\ctmuser.log

Control-M settings

The following properties under the Configuration object define settings for the Control-M/Server that you are provisioning and its interaction with the Control-M environment:

HostnameHost name, IP address, or alias of the machine on which to install the Control-M/Server

Number of Control-M/Server port that listens for communication from Control-M/EM

Valid values: 1025–32767
Typical value:


Number of port used by the RT process for inter-process communication (IPC)

Valid values: 1025–32767
Typical value:


Number of port for communication from the Control-M/Server to the Control-M/EM Configuration Server

Valid values: 1025–32767
Typical value: 2369


Number of port used by the Control-M/Agent to receive communication from the Control-M/Server

Valid values: 1024–65534
Typical value:


Number of port used by the Control-M/Server to receive communication from the Control-M/Agent

Valid values: 1024–65534
Typical value:

HighAvailabilityPortNumber of port for communication between the Control-M/Server Configuration Agents on the primary and secondary host in a High Availability (HA) environment

Typical value: 2368

When performing server rehydration, the following additional properties under the PrimaryServer object define the primary server from which the Control-M/Server is being transferred:

DatabaseType of database on the primary server, either Oracle or MSSQL
InstallationType of installation. Currently only CTM is supported.
HostnameHost name, IP address, or alias of the machine that hosts the primary server
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