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Setting up a per core multiplier based license

The per core multiplier based license type is computed based on a multiplier factor for each processor core. The value for each processor is then summed to determine the number of licenses consumed. The following diagram illustrates how to set up a per core multiplier based license:

To set up a per core multiplier based license and calculate compliance

  1. On the IT Home page, select Product Catalog > Product Catalog console.
  2. Create a new Product Catalog entry for Product Type = Software and CI Type = Product.
  3. Click the Model/Version tab and enter values for the *Model/Version* and *Market Version*, and set *Requires Contract* to *Yes*.
  4. On the IT Home page, select *Product Catalog* *> Product Catalog console*, create a new product catalog entry for Product Type = Hardware and CI Type = Processor.
  5. On the IT Home page, select *Asset Management* *> Manage CI* and create a Computer System CI.
  6. On the IT Home page, select *Asset Management* *> Manage CI* and create a Processor CI. Complete the product categorization using the values in step 4 as well as specific fields on the Specification tab (Processor Family\- optional, Processor Type - required, Number of Cores - required).
  7. On the IT Home page, select *Asset Management* *> Manage CI*. On the Computer System CI, *Relationships* tab, relate both the Product and Processor CIs as components or hosted system components
  8. On the IT Home page, select *Contract Management* *> Contract Console* and create a new software license contract for your software. On the newly created software contract create a new license certificate for your software contract. Use the product categorization from step 2. Choose the license type *Per Core Multiplier Based*.
  9. On the IT Home page, select *Asset Management > SAM console* *> Manage License Jobs*.
  10. Create a new license job for Per Core Multiplier Based.
  11. On the IT Home page, select *Administrator Console* *> Application Administrator Console* *> Custom Configuration tab* *> Asset Management* *> Advanced Options*.
  12. Open the Configure Processor Multipliers screen.
    The Processor Type on the Advanced options has to match the Processor Type on the Processor CI. The Software manufacturer should match the manufacturer of your Software Product CI and the Calculation Type should match the License Type if using Multiplier or Constant Based. Values can be obtained from the vendor's.


     BMC does not supply these values.

  13. On the IT Home page, select *Asset Management > SAM console > Manage License Jobs*.
  14. Run the license job. The Product CI is connected. The number deployed on the certificate uses the multiple factor from the table for the number of cores for each processor.


     You have two processors with four cores each related to a Computer System CI and the multiplier factor is 2.00. The number deployed is 16.

    {{CPU1: 4 x 2.00 = 8}} {{CPU2: 4 x 2.00 = 8}} {{8 + 8 = 16}}

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